Saturday, December 31, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Believe in Your Dreams!

Happy New Year, along with many blessings!  
This year we can stop and take a deep breath of relief, and pat ourselves on the back for getting through 2016!  It was definitely a year of releasing and letting go, as I did much of that myself by shedding tears, for many of the days in the year!  If you let go of the past in 2016, you will be able to enjoy the peace of 2017.  There is still time to write down some things you want to let go of, and burn it tonight to let go of!  
This will be a year to manifest your dreams, as long as you believe! 
This past year was filled with chaos, so this year we need to find the calmness by grounding ourselves daily.  I never realized how important grounding was until I learned more about energy, and the Ascension process with all that Gamma Energy coming through.  It is really important for the ones who are aware of this, to take that energy and consciously focus on that energy pouring through your crown chakra, flowing through all your chakra's, out through your feet, and into the earth!  That's it, that's all it takes, to help in raising the energy and vibration of yourself, and the planet, which will speed up the Ascension Process! And I thank you each time you do this! <3  We can not heal if we are not grounded, and this process will also ground the energies into Mother Gaia, grounding yourself as well.  We can heal ourselves with this energy if we believe, when we heal ourselves, we heal the entire planet!  Focus on Healing, healing yourself, Mother Gaia, whatever you choose, just believe and heal! 
As for January 1st, it is a very powerful day to stay silent and enter into a place of stillness.  This would be a great day to be alone, meditate, spend time in nature, journal about yourself, which I have now decided to do tomorrow.  We think we are alone, separate from the whole, but we are not, our individual happiness affects the entire whole, as we heal ourselves, we help to heal the world!  

"So, just focus on you!  On healing yourself, and not judging your brother, think about it, if we all did that, what type of world would we have?"

So, dream great dreams and make them come true, you can if you only BELIEVE!!
Blessings of Love and Light always, especially into the New Year!
Here is the video, explaining this and much more, only six minutes to watch! 

Thursday, December 29, 2016

Major Gamma Waves Pouring In!

 There are major Gamma Waves pouring into the earth now and there is much we can do to help stabilize this energy into Mother Gaia. The light is forcing all of the lower vibrations into light, and is recoding our DNA molecules, like a universal surgery. Earth will change drastically when this high vibration wave is done, the higher you vibrate, the more you will feel it. This energy is splitting our carbon atoms in our bodies and is transforming them into crystals. This light brings the darkness out, forcing each of us to become more conscious, loving, and compassionate. We are all being transformed into butterflies, so let go and be free, free to the future you want! We are helping to raise the energy and frequencies of all!
Sleep and do not resist the change, allow it to sweep over you and do it's thing! There is so much etheric garbage being cleansed out of this realm, and many negative issues are coming out and things can be tense during this time. Earth is the most precious place in the Universe, and we are moving and changing very fast.
So, it is a time for us lightworkers to consciously focus on that light, and pull it through your crown chakra, pouring through your chakras, and deep into the earth, to help heal Mother Gaia. Then take that energy and bring it back up into the earth, up through your feet, into your chakras and back out from your head, pouring all around you and Mother Gaia again. It's that simple, we just need to remember to do this daily! And of course, remember to breathe, deep, in and out throughout, as our breath is everything! Blessings of Love and Light always, and always remember to SHINE YOUR LIGHT SO BRIGHT!! As we truly need it now! <3
This video explains more!

Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Message to all Lightworkers

A great message to all lightworkers!
Please stay above it all, now is the time you are being tested to see if you truly can stay in the Light!  What is the Light?  It is LOVE, pure Love, all Love.  The loving, compassion, non judgmental being, that realizes we are all one, all connected souls forever!  This means sending kindness and love to anyone you meet, regardless of their differences.  It means understanding we are all one, all trying to do the best we can do.  It means surrounding yourself with loved ones, and letting go of the draining ones, as they want to steal your energy.
When you stay bright in your light, you are channeling light to others, raising the energy and vibration of all, which will speed up the Ascension!!  That is what a lightworker is!  One who focuses on sending love and light to all, each and every day.  One that wants to serve others, and deeply cares about Mother Gaia.  One that chose before birth to come here to help heal the people from the affects of fear.  The fear energy, victimhood, is gone, the light has won, and with the Ascension, we are feeling more love, more loved, and realize we can manifest anything we want! Peace on Earth, and the life we want to have.
Here is a video reminding us that this is a time of renewal during this solstice, and to focus on the vision of the world you want to create and believe in, PEACE ON EARTH!  That is why we are here, why we came, to create Peace on Earth, each of us chose to be here at this time!  That is such an exciting thought for me, because this is what gives me the strength to move on each day, especially in my loneliness and pain.  I have the faith, and hope, it just resonates with my soul, and I get chills all through my body when I hear the deep truth of it all!  And it is truly deep!! Souls, energies
Our consciousness is raising, we are awakening, we are Ascending!  Welcome the Solstice and the New Year, and we are celebrating all that we are creating!

Friday, November 25, 2016

The Election is Over, onto a New Earth!

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As I stay away from the negativity in the mainstream media regarding news, politics, the Election, etc., I have received my news information from other types, truth in other ways, and focus on loving and serving humanity with an open heart.  
I am always trying to focus on things that make me feel good, follow my joy, allow, let go, and see where the Universe wants to take me!  No more control, what should have, could have been, or crying over "but why me", the victim role.  That is gone, done, over, we are now in an ASCENSION, meaning moving to an entire different reality, that is only if you choose!  And yes, it starts with a loving, open compassionate heart, not a heart that is closed and angry from within, and lashing out to others because they voted differently from you.  And, if this is occurring, the bigger braver message is to maybe go inside, inside yourself and look and see what's there.  See where those shadows are coming from, and heal them.  That contract is over, it is a different time, a different place, and we are now in a state of love, the veil is lifting, you can choose.  Remember, what we send out to others always starts from within.  People are "triggers" to us, giving us a chance to look inside and see what we can sweep up, and send along its way, transforming it into light!  
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When we heal within, we heal the darkness, and it allows more light to shine through.  And that, my soul friend is what we want to do, as we are all light, and the more we can fill ourselves up with that light, the more loving and compassionate heart we have, the more we want to serve others!  It is such a beautiful process, as I can say that I have been experiencing this.  My heart is opening more each day to compassion and non judgement, and I truly see this more after the elections as to how I am handling the conflict, and how my "spiritual, enlightened" friends are.  The ego is strong, coming into this body, wanting to protect us from the fear we lived in the past.  That ego in many that still linger, sometimes shows itself in verbally attacking others to protect itself.  We can comfort that ego, explaining all is fine, we are safe now, it is another day, another time, and the time has come to LOVE!  What does that even mean to you?  That is a story for another day!  Let's start with compassion, acceptance, non judgement, and maybe even focus on your heart expanding with a purple flame of light pouring out, all around you and to all! (Trust me, it works!)
Now regarding the elections.  
The messages from the Archangels, and other higher beings, are saying now that the elections are over, we can start a new world order.  The old must collapse, for the new to occur, and we can take this as a reset.  I do believe we will change our voting system, as I have always said it only divides us do the the different political "parties".  The messages I hear are stating that Trump may not be President either, I don't know why, some messages say he may resign.  Maybe due to the people not wanting him representing their Country either, and standing up for what they believe.  I have heard that Paul Ryan may temporarily take over, until we design a new system, one of fairness, respect and equality for all, as we can not hide behind the corruption any longer.  One never knows, but we have the power to manifest the life we want.  
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 I do not know what will happen, but I do know we have the power to create what we want, and I hope it is "Peace on Earth".  Our collective consciousness is much more powerful than any leader, it's up to us, we can make the change.  I don't even want to repeat what all the information I listen to says about Hillary and Bill, but for sure they should be in jail, and prosecuted fairly, as we all know they are part of the illuminati, the Cabal, and if you aren't aware of these terms by now, you should research them.  It is time to wake up to what she did in Benganzi, allowing how many Americans to be killed? And selling weapons to the Terrorists!! 
Hello, if you love her, then please educate yourself to the TRUTH of her being, the total truth, and truly see if this would be someone you would be proud to have represent your Country.  And if you voted for her due to the respect for your "party", what does that do for you, strip you of all of your power? And all of your thinking and reasoning, being blinded because you need to be loyal to your part?? Don't ever give all of your power away, go within your heart first and see what it says, see what it tells you.  Put your hands over your heart and ask the question you need answers for.  And guess what?  Your heart will give you an answer, but a loving, compassionate one, not one filled with anger.  Remember, love is all there truly is, the rest is the illusion, I ask you, where do you CHOOSE to live?

The Election did show how we are ready for a new republic.  One with truth, honesty, love and respect.  It is time for the New Republic that the messages I have been sending have been talking about, yes, finally, NESARA, or GESERA.  New treasury notes are gold backed and signify the collapse of the illegal Federal Reserve that started months ago.  In this new reality we are to flourish and be empowered to use our prosperity to achieve our passion.  The ones who controlled us will be isolated from us, and the old fears and doubts gone.  We will own our power, and global poverty will leave.  
We are meant to flourish, let the fear go, as you can not live in love and fear at the same time.  This is a time for you to connect with your spiritual and space families.  You need to come to accept this because and realize the abilities you possess, and the flow of money that we will be coming into will end poverty, and bring an end to economic problems that brought hatred towards others. 
Okay, this is a heavy statement, but what so many messages I see say that our final transformation is into galactic beings. In this new reality, the Ascended Masters will be freed to teach us and transform us into Galactic humans.  This complex operation requires us to travel to Agartha, where our crystallized light chambers are kept.   After the new NESARA government, they will start contact with us, and bring us to full consciousness. 

Our prayers and meditations worked, as the messages coming through say we stopped a war that was being created, as they say Hillary wanted to proceed to a Nuclear War, one that our President Obama supports as well.  We are being thanked by all the Spirits, etc., around us,  and their message is that because of our positive visions, we are entering into 5D.  So, it may be a time to turn to gratitude, and to be grateful our Country did not proceed in that direction.  And I ask you to look for yourself, use your own brain, be curious like a cat, and find your own answers by searching!  Don't give your power away, and love yourself, and care for yourself, as you would your own child!  

Gaia rejoices with us, as she watches our powers return step by step, as we have the power and we are co creators! Enjoy this time of manifestation! We have all moved through a period of frustration. Now is the time to go within each day, to your own heart and loving space, and feel that love permeating out of your heart. <3 
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Here is a quick meditation:
Go within and imagine a wide river of energy streaming from the heavens, encompassing everything and filling everyone with a vibrant, heavenly glow.  Watch as these energies alter everything.  Let these magnificent energies crumble the old, creating new beliefs.  See how life energies morph into deep purple, increases Gaia's vibration, a  changing vibration, changing hatred into love, unity and prosperity! 

Know that the events are coming, take the time to envision this, and we can create our new reality together, the prosperity of heaven is truly ours. Remember these changes are one of Joy, cleansing the darkness, transforming it into light, but it starts from within each and everyone of us!
Love and Blessings always! <3 

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Turning to Love During this Chaotic Time!

Illusion, all is an illusion, wouldn't that be nice to know?  What is an illusion you ask?  The fear, the hate, the anger, all of this!  I know this is hard to understand, it still is for me.  We are a paradox, there is no separation from me, you, us.  Love is all there is, the rest an illusion.  Our reality is not solid, everything is part of a vast electromagnetic energetic field, everything is connected to everything else, there truly is no separation.  We still do experience ourselves as separate beings, but we are all spirit, constantly connecting with each other. What we do to one, we to to another, and back to ourselves.  We even feel each others pain if we are empaths, the pain of one, or even the group.  When I awoke on Election day, I awoke in tears, feeling the collective pain, but I didn't realize why I was tearing.  No matter what, the election was filled with anger, hate, insults, etc., the opposite of what we want to see on this earth.  So many think they are right, and the other is wrong, which only divides us.  Just like I said about the political parties, it's all about dividing us, just like the darkness wanted, but that is fading.  The chaos has to occur, to bring peace and love, the Phoenix will rise again!  Oneness is about merging together, accepting each other as they are, and then mixing them together.  You may think you would loose your individuality if you merged with others.  Our whole society is about taking sides, "divide and conquer".  Now is the time to listen to each other, as we all are equal, we all have something to say.  We are all the same, but different, each one as important as the next. 
 But to bring peace during this chaotic time, it is truly important to come back to a loving, open heart, to focus on your heart chakra expanding, sending love into yourself and out to others.  If you have fallen into the mainstream fear, and want to be strong, independent, powerful and influential, and are turning to anger towards your own brother, then you need to go inside and love yourself first!  Maybe your inner child is crying for the love and attention it did not have as a child, not having it's needs met.  No one can fill that need of love, as it all starts within each of us, as we are all God Source Energy!!  There is always a frightened child desperate to be seen and loved, the illusion was built in separation, and you are searching for love from someone else, but it is within yourself, where it resolves eternally.  Love is all that is real, you will find it inside.  The Universe is contained within you, let the love in, and send it out to others that so deeply need it.  This is bringing humanity into its awakening, we all have a part to play.  The illusion is filled with fear, suffering, pain, but not real.  Your love, consciousness, all that is, is one with God, Source, and you never were separated from.  We chose this, but now we are all waking up!  The love has been surrounding us for years, coming in stronger each day, the Angels, Saints, Spirit Guides are all around.  And all we have to do is to allow, the power of God is within us, when we allow, the illusion will fade away!
So, all of you lightworkers, stay far away from the darkness!  Always know how important it is for you to shine your light, and not fall into the traps of the darkness from others.  I myself had to hide away from people for a few days because I saw so much anger towards the other for voting differently, and wanted no part of such negative energy, the exact energy the darkness wants you to have!  No, I know the light already has prevailed, I know I am here to help others to see and feel that light, and I will not let others steal my peace and sovereignty due to their own pain and suffering inside.  That is why we all need to wake up, and look inside of us if we have so much pain, hate, sadness, anger, disappointment or whatever towards our brother, all because they voted differently.
And, do you really think our future "Peace on Earth" is dependent upon the Political system?  And how is burning down our towns, and causing violence in our streets, helping to bring peace and love into the world?  WE have the power to make a change, we have the power to create the life we want here on earth, Peace on Earth, no suffering, no poverty, etc., but it starts with loving your brother, and accepting his differences, not hating him for it, attacking him, and even beating the shit out of him, all because HE VOTED DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU!! Now, tell me, who really needs the help??

Monday, November 14, 2016

Trying to Understand the Election

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After seeing so much anger after the elections, along with the judgments and anger towards others who voted differently than you, I could not wait to hear what the higher message of this all was, and finally, here is a start!  
You will be relieved, as it will give you some faith and hope into the Peace on Earth we are here to experience!  You must remember what to focus on, all of you lightworkers, to be loving with an open heart, which means NON JUDGEMENT of your brother!  Do not make this divide us, like the darkness wants, but rather bond us to create the life we truly want.  Remember we are all one, all the same, truly experiencing this ascension together.  We all chose to be here during this ascension, to help raise the energy and frequency of us all, especially during this critical time!  Be beyond the darkness, the hate, and shine your light as bright as you can, as that is why you are here!  If you can not remember to go to love, and not fear, (because you can not hold both of these vibrations at the same time, as they are total opposites) then you will have done your job well.  
This video explains many things, among them it states that now that the elections are over, they can be best summarized as a disaster diverted.  No, Trump is not a lightworker, but he is not in the illuminati as Hillary is!! (f you are not aware of who they are, you definitely need to educate yourself asap! The illuminati did everything possible for him to not loose this race.  The world was heading for self destruction by the illuminati, and sorry to say, they were getting ready for Nuclear war with Russia and China!  It is not like some Angel of light has come to the presidency, but we will not be headed towards nuclear war!  They may control the press, but they can not control your minds!! They are now feeling the control slipping out of their hands.
It is now time for us to get out of this political mud pit and do some real good!  Now is the time to stop pretending the political process is the most power that you have, because it is not, it is actually just keeping you dis empowered.  This election was the most aggressive, nastiest election ever, with neither candidate most of us would not be so proud of to run our country.  It exposed many deep wounds in the psyche and deepened them, anger from both sides, trying to get others onto their side.  We are currently questioning the entire election process, along with what each party stands for.  I have said this many years ago, there should not be any "party", as it only divides us.  Each candidate should be an individual, and stand for who they are, their views, plans, etc.  This should show us that our salvation does not lie in politics.  Politicians do not hold the answers to our redemption, and it can not be up to them to write this world, it is up to us, each and everyone one of us.  
So, there are many things we can do to help the United States now, and focus on the ascension and the positive energies pouring in, and start with an open, loving heart.  If you can not do that, maybe you need to look inside yourself, and see if you love and accept yourself for who you are.  It is hard to love unconditionally, when we don't love ourselves unconditionally, and take the time to understand our feelings within.  Maybe it is time to love yourself by forgiving yourself and letting go.  By forgiving others as well, knowing they did the best they could do, and maybe they were trying to teach you a lesson.  
Just always remember "THE HIGHER THE VIBRATIONS OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, THE MORE POWERFUL YOU CAN CREATE".  Those of higher density of consciousness create more powerfully than those of a lower consciousness!!  So first work on raising your consciousness and remember how to create your reality!! Manifest, meditate, ground and believe!  Create dreams for yourself, raise your vibration, and you will become an ever more powerful creator. And as you break into higher densities of consciousness, new, more powerful tools will await your use!
So, my friends, a most beautiful, powerful journey is ahead of you!! (What I have innately been waiting for my entire lifetime!)  If you will walk it, as this journey is not for everyone, as everyone is not ready to walk into their souls evolution and ready to awaken to their creator nature. Many will cling to their victim status, and others may hope for someone to rescue them.  Some are not yet capable of seeing their own divine nature and will reject this message and that is fine. We are all where we should be. 
These messages are for the awakening soul, not the ones clinging to 3D.  So this message is for you, the light worker, starseed, earth angel, this is a great moment regardless what you feel about either politicians, but a defeat to the illumiinai!  We can now forge forward to bring peace and abundance to all of humanity!! 
Love and Peace to all! 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Grounding the New Energies In!!

The energies are coming in fast, and you may be feeling it physically in so many ways.  Always respect your body and do what it needs, rest, etc.  Each message I hear is always telling me what powerful beings we are!!  Filled with light, we are light beings, and lightworkers.  Due to all the energies coming into our planet, there is much we can do to accelerate the Ascension process, and help Mother Gaia with this energy!  
It is all about grounding, grounding the new earth energies! Mother Gaia has gone into another earth cycle, which happens every 27,000 years.  New pockets are opening in the Universal allowing powerful rays of energy coming into the earth bringing us new awareness, creating the Ascension process! This has been proven scientifically, and yes, that is why we are Ascending, waking up, becoming more aware, due to all this amazing energy!  All in our own time though, always good to keep in mind.  
We need to ground daily to help heal Mother Gaia, and ourselves.  Take care of yourself, your mind, and your thinking, and make sure to watch your thoughts carefully.  
We need to make sure our chakras are open, and kept open.  There are many ways to do this, just do some research, meditate, etc.  
Definitely do not feed into the fear and anger, please be more aware and conscious than that.  We can not be in a space of love, and fear at the same time, they are total opposites.  When we stay in love and compassion, we can not let fear in.  Just remember, the darkness feeds off of you staying in fear and worry, only to control you more!! Instead love yourself, love each other, and stop those negative thoughts of judgement in their tracks.  Treat others the way you want to be treated, create the world around you as you want see it.  
We can send healing to ourselves, from the cosmos, into the earth.  This amazing energy will help heal you, and Mother Gaia as well.  
Start by taking three deep breaths, imagine and feel a white light above your head, from the cosmos, shining into the top of your head, your crown chakra.  Then into your neck, out your arms and palms.  Feel the light move down your spine and fill up your entire being, down your legs and out your feet.   You are a being of light.  Feel the tree roots coming out of your feet going deep into the center core of the earth, and imagine the red earth energy run up from your feet, up your legs, into your torso, out your arms, up into your neck, and out the top of your head.  Know you are a channel bringing the Cosmos beautiful white light into your being, to heal yourself, Mother Gaia, and to share with other!
Soon what does not serve us will be behind us, let us separate ourselves from it with love and compassion.  We are officially in the time of Aquarius, there is nothing to fear, it is time for us to shine!! 

Monday, September 26, 2016

We are Ascending Fast!

An amazing message for us!
We will move into the seventh dimension very quickly, and some will leave the earth as well.  After the Equinox, there is great love, along with more speeding up!
Concentrated energies, and expect miracles, Jupiter rules.  Focus on your individual ascension, being released from the cycle of rebirth.  Your intuition will grow, you will be able to see Angels and auras.  You are becoming your true self, and will merge with your twin flame.  You will no longer have questions as you will know, you are whole, and you have a great sense of oneness.
After the event there will be disclosure, the NESARA law, and there will be landings!!  The Pleiadians and Arcturians will come first.  Their will be three portals of tremendous love that will open and we will travel towards the seventh dimension.  November 11, December 12, and December 21st, are the dates the portals will be open.  Meditation and telepathy are good skills to practice along with yoga and breathing.  You must meditate each day, as this is required to absorb the energies towards the new light.  Anytime spent alone and in peace is like a meditation.  Detoxing the physical and emotional is needed also.  The body is turning into crystal light, and will not tolerate any toxins within!
We will see a new replacement of the United Nations with implement of divine government, so yes, have faith there, as neither candidate will be voted in!  Stay focused on the world you want to see, Peace on Earth!   We will see the formation of a universal council, one planet one nation, one race!  There are light cities that will be open for healings!! Stay positive, keep aware, pay attention, and remember, you are part of an amazing journey happening on earth now, one you wanted to experience!!
Love to all!!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Truth of the US Election

Here is some serious news for all of you enlightened ones, news we need to understand and spread!  Here's a recap, and here is the video, if that works better for you!
There was just a G20 Summit (20 economies gathering to discuss international financial stability) held in China, and the results were an agreement to no longer harming the earth or any of it's inhabitants!  Yay for peace, like I have been talking about!  All have come to an agreement.  GESARA,  NESARA, will be put into place NOW, another message we have been told will happen. Disclosure for all!   All will be found guilty of treason, and will be held accountable for that, so let's see when this happens.  
As for the future of the US, this video states that Hillary will pass away! Of course I have no idea if this will happen or not, but it will be interesting to see what does happen.  As I keep stating, neither canditate will win this election, things will change massively, and here again they are stating the same.  And listen to this message about Trump!  He made a deal with China and Russia and only ran for President for money and fame!  It seems as if he doesn not care about anyone,  not the United States, nor being president!  For him, it is all about the MONEY! As far as the election, it will die of with the new system from the G20 Treaties.  Our Political system has been so corrupted, as we will all see, and there has already been new people chosen, preapproved by the UN Security Council.  Then, we will be able chose a leader we w love.  
All of the Judges of the Supreme Court have been replaced, without us knowing, not wanting to cause panic in all, but we will be told soon.  The Global Financial System has also gone through a similar structural overhaul, without our awareness as well.  All global Markets are under the full control of the Global Monetary Authority, that PREVENTS high frequency trading, price rigging, and/or the abuse of Markets, Equities, and Commodities Trading.  The Rothschild empire and the Darkness is gone!  
The wealth in the African continent is like no other, and is invaluable by human standards, due to the raw earth elements in Africa which are incalculable!  
The history of the Lumarians and the Atlantians will be told when they rise above the water when the poles shift and reconsitute the earth's harmony.  
This message also brings up Cannabois oil, how it is a physically healthy life giving herb given to us by God, it keeps us healthy, preserves life, and opens the third eye!! 
The earth's poles have shifted to more of a female balance, a Love frequency!  There will be no struggle if you are at peace and in the moment.  You will manifest God's will for your life if you are going with the flow, allowing all good to happen to you.  You are free!  There is no struggle but the struggle you manufacture, so you can appear in active pursuit of a man made goal.  Life is meant to flow, be happy, follow your heart! 

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Major Shift is Happening Now!

Wow, there are such awesome amazing messages coming through!! The third wave of photonic light in September will amplify the shift in consciousness and ascension.  3D is disolving, the energies gone, and we can never regress to the old consciousness.  Trust your intuition and look for the teacher within, not without.  We are living through our Higher Selves, always evolving each day.  Syncronicity will happen all day, solutions will appear for the greater good.  There are higher frequenies pooring into earth, disolving the old.  
If negative thoughts come to mind, of past mistakes, etc., just redirect your focus to thoughts that feel good.  The mind only hears what the universal consiousness is putting out, they are just energies and aren't yours unless you accept them as yours.  Your past life and experiences in this life will attract like minded energies.  Redirect your mind for truth, and never feel badly for thinking past negative thoughts.  Express love and gratitude to the mind, and all will change as your mind will shift, and never go back!   
If you had health issues your entire life, focusing on health instead of disease creates a healthy body, as our thoughts do create our future.  We are all evolving in our own pace.  Our time has come and it is now.  It is important that we leave behind any outgrown dependencies upon a person, tradition, ritual or object that helped us in the past.  We are now ready to let go we don't need anyone or anything outside of ourselves to function.  Our truth and power is within, so hold your strength in your heart.  Many are experiencing difficult situations in their life.  Know that we have chosen these experiences to assist mankind as a whole.  There are no accidents and we are privelaged to be experiencing such awakening at this time. The difficulties will leave, bringing us to Heaven on Earth!  
Remember we have always been perfect, whole and complete, and the time is now.  We have done it, we are awakening big time, and the future is ours to enjoy all the love there is inside of us, and in the Universe! 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Super Energy in September!

We have chosen an accelerated time line and all has shifted.  This is a major milestone in the Ascension process.  We handled these energies so well, we are accelerating!  The darkness power and control is leaving, the light has won!  There is a third wave of energy happening now, is a large part of the acceleration.  It is tremendous and will awake the third wave of those on the chosen path of ascension.  
September and the rest of the year will see more intense and rapid growth in all areas.  We will never be pushed beyond the limits we can not handle.  We will be putting our skills and abilities to use, and will putting her skills and abilities to the test, and go beyond her mind though she could do.  We may experience physical shifts, and know it will be okay.  Our bodies are going through many updates and downloads, in our DNA, etc., so honor your bodies needs.  Check into your awareness of emotional, physical, energetic, mental, and spiritual selves.  Check in frequently to these levels of self and see how you feel, especially when you feel stuck.
We will see major shifts in our awareness and to what we see!  Many things in our reality will change, quicker and faster, and plans may shift quickly.  Shifts in relationships, living situations, jobs, living locations, that will require your attention.  Go with the flow!  Meditate and connect with your higher self, and ask if any previous downloads are needed at this time, to please take care of.  We are taken care of, have faith and hope to know this is a magical time here on earth, and we have all chosen to be here at this time! 
Many souls will leave the planet in months, so they can come to their own experience, always their choice.  Many other souls came to hold space, and their energies will serve in support of the collective.  Some held back to ascend, to help others lift up.  Still some knew they would not make ascension at this time, and will leave the earth and shift in a different way.  Many still are not aware of the ascension, and still live in the fear the mainstream media tells them.  Hold compassion for them, do not hold judgement, and know we are all in this together!! We are all in this together, there is not one soul who does not serve a purpose of moving towards the greater good for all.  We have no way of knowing what that soul has chosen to experience here for their own growth.  We need not judge them, give them space, and have compassion for them!  We do not have to be in their reality, and can send them love and light, and go our own way, sharing more light!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Time to Step Into Our Power!

It is time to step into our power now!  We just need to be open to receive, as we were never thrown here on this earth to be alone!  It is the joy of the aliens, Ascended Masters, Archangels, etc., to assist us here! Everyone is overjoyed with what us earthlings succeeded to accomplish, creating Heaven on Earth, breaking the barrier of the darkness! Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done, it is only going to get easier from here.  Feel the Love and support the Universe has to offer to us now!  
Start by being kind to yourself and to others.  It is your life, time to manifest the life you have been dreaming of, it is right there now for the taking, due to the Ascension, and the energy from the Lion's Gate!  Dream great dreams, make them come true!  Constantly, and consistently, be kind to others, and do what you want to see more of out into the world!  You are the light, here to shine your light so bright, just ask, put out the intention, and let it go, trusting in the Universe knowing it will come!   
The reality is, small actions of love, does make a difference, as we are all connected, all one, and when one feels love, it raises the energies and frequencies of all!  Every empowering, loving choice, goes into the collective energy and will accumulate until that energy is dormant.  
Now is such an important time for us light workers to keep the faith, and focus on the world we dream of, Peace, Love, Prosperity, Unity and Oneness for all beings! No more suffering for anyone in the world, and the dark ones who do not choose to see the light at this time, will be accountable for their mis doings.  
So, some tips to remember now, so very important to do:
  1. Connect with Source! How? Go to the Earth, hug a tree, talk to the ocean, say hello to that bird, squierrel, paint, draw, etc. 
  2. Choose things that bring you joy!
  3. Keep a positive focus at all times, just focus on things that make you happy!
  4. Be kind to your brother, your neighbor, connect, smile, hold doors, send loving thoughts, etc.
  5. Always, always, uplift and support one another!
Okay, that's it for now!  Keep your head up high, we are the change!
Love and Light Always to All! <3 Namaste <3 

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Lion's Gate 8/8/16
This is an amazing video to watch about the energies of the Lion's Gate! Just a little recap:
This has been a challenging year, and we need to master our positive energies. We will take the low frequencies, and turn them into golden light, and choose love and compassion instead of anger.
You maybe around people in fear, anger, and low frequencies, you will make your choices from love and compassion, and you will be the diamond light that shines clearly and magnificently! Now is the time to step up into who you have become, not a time to sit back, watch and complain! And step forward into the emerald light of who we are, fully embodied masters, creators, and alchemists of light. As the old falls away, and we are here to hold the energies of the new, to be the new earth and embody the empowerment of the new earth soul! Wow, what amazing news, right?? The Lion's Gate and Planitary New Year is a new sign of creation! These light codes will shape the form of experience in the coming year, and lift us up to another level of evolution and experience!! If you are not aligned and in a LOW FREQUENCY OF FEAR, then you will stay in these lower frequencies again. So, once again, be aware of your energy and vibration at all times. If you are feeling low, go outside and ground in any way you can! Go see the ocean, put your feet in the sand, hug a tree, do anything to release the negative energy around, and give it to Mother Gia. Be open to this powerful light and blessings that are coming to us now!! There is an intense energy coming into us now, and if we do not know how to ground this energy, it may distable our energy field, and we may become aggresive, fearful, and angry, They may also feel lost and confused, as we need to reconnect spirit and body, heaven and earth, so body and soul are one! Your soul connects with your heart center.
There will be many distractions in the outer world, many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention, and will ask you to align your energy with theirs. We know what is happening, but to focus all your energies onto this will not create the life on earth that you want. There is a group called the Illumanati, and they want to keep humanity in a low frequency, to prevent us from freedom and empowerment. If we are awake and aware, we will see this, and not allow them to trap us in our own fears. Do not be drawn to energies that are not in alignment with the love you are, and with what you want to create! Watch your focus! We are masters, and have everything we need within us! We have activated our light body, which we needed to allow us to receive the incoming light codes and have opened our hearts to the Christ Conscious! Do not seek for peace in the outside world for now, as you create a garden around you. You are the ones to demonstrate mastery and to open the gateway of the seventh dimension. Those around you are still managing the fifth dimension and the magic of the sixth dimenstion, and are not ready to proceed.
The seventh dimension is the last of the ascension process, it means to be on this earth during the termoil and be in a place of inner stillness and peace. To be able to connect with the powerful flow of divine creative intelligence and direct this flow to magical manifestation through focus. To be without attachments, and be in the flow of love, and creativity and divine manifestation! It is time for us to claim the higher dimensions of light! We will always be safe and cared for, soul will guide us, the magical gate is opening! All sound good to me, right! What do you think?? Love and blessings always

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Time to Wake Up!

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Here's a new message about the Cabal, the ascension process, the major changes we are going through right now!
The removal of the corrupt control will bring about major changes.  We must be prepared to cope, and have confidence in ourselves is a must!  We need to stay strong because much of what we will see will shock us, as nothing is as it seems.  Remember, Government only serve the hidden hand, never the people, and they want much of humanity to die off!  (Poisons everywhere, our food, air, water, etc.)  We must now awake to who they truly are, and accept this!  I think this will be easy for all to do now, as we can see what is going on in our worldd now. When we fully understand the corruption, then, and only then, will things change, so wake up y'all!! :)  We all truly are awakening from the nightmare the Cabal has created for humanity.  
New thinking is needed to ensure the old ways are gone forever!  Let us Dream of how we want peace on earth, no poverty (something the Cabal created to control us!), and no wars.  A World based on love, respect, justice, and honor for all will become the norm!  
Together we will get through this! This is what we have been waited for, hoped for, prayed for, and now it is within our grasp!  We should savor every minute of it for we have worked hard for it.  We are the crusaders of the "New Age", the Age of Aquarius!  Remember who we are, and know the Cabal can only delay, but not prevent the transition as it has already been written in stone for all the ages, and told by the prophets.  
It is a miracle we have coped this far, as the light has won! Amen!
Blessings of Love and Light Always! <3 

Monday, July 25, 2016

Pay Attention to What You Focus On!

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LET'S PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT WE FOCUS ON!! Now is the time, with the major ascension going on, to keep our thoughts loving and light, and to focus on creating Peace on Earth, something we all want!! And especially my soul family, and the awakening ones, need to focus now, and stay out of the negativity anywhere going on in the world, especially the US Elections. Why would we want to spend any of our precious energy on that? When we know who we are, what we are here for, and why we came? We are awesome, wonderful, powerful beings, choosing to come here at this time to contribute to the awakening of humanity!! We are creating heaven on earth, and if you don't see that, maybe you should change your focus! Please remember, when you spend ANY bit of your energy on the Politics in the USA, watching the garbage, talking about it one bit, you are FEEDING INTO THE NEGATIVITY, adding to it, and making it worse, lowering everyone's energy and vibration! I know my soul brothers and sisters already know this, as we all have been learning about manifesting, focusing on what we want, the power of attraction, support and love from the Angels, Aliens, etc., but sometimes we forget what path we are on, and how we are here to help, not hinder! We know the truth, we know we would not want either candidate representing us and our Country!! So, why would anyone want to waste their precious light on focusing on such darkness? We need to shift our focus on what we want, the type of world we want to live in, which is all about LOVE, and an open heart! Pure love, which is pouring into each of our hearts more and more each day! But, it would be hard to find that love when we are focused on such negativity, and stopping that energy from flowing in!! And remember, we do not need to ask the question of how this will happen, the Universe will take care of that! We just need to FOCUS ON WHAT WE WANT! And so it is!!
Things are already changing, if you research deeper, and you will see we are already on our way to a new financial system that is taking place, one being backed by gold. Wall Street crumbling, banks collapsing!! And look at Great Britain, taking that awakening act of freedom!! Opening the door for other countries to take a stand to freedom! That all occurred due to the ascension, allowing each of us to awaken to our truth inside! We are no longer prisoners of the past! A new government called NESARA, will be replacing the old, and we are creating Heaven on Earth, something we all have been waiting for and came here on this earth to experience! We are all to be praised, for having the courage to come here at this time, and experience this ascension process on earth!!
Do not worry, although you don't see it, disclosure is on it's way, beginning with the Rothschild's, the Clinton's, the Rockefeller's, and more!! Many will be shocked when they find the truth of who controls the world with their greed and corruption! The illumaniti will no longer run the world! FREEDOM AT LAST!! The last of the darkness is leaving, the energies going into 5D are too high! There will be no more debt slavery, no more control of our government, no more financial debt, no more wars, no more starvation in the world!
There is so much information for us out there now with the internet, you can watch hundreds of videos all about this, (which I do!), and your faith will be restored! We need to stay above it all! It's easy to do once you realize what you are focusing on. We are here to be happy and follow our joy, right? When we focus on what makes us feel good, not bad, we manifest our future to what we want, to what makes us happy! When we feel good we are in pure source, allowing that flow of love to come through, putting everything we want into place!! So, why not focus on what makes you feel good, anytime, all the time? And, I bet I know one thing that makes many people feel "bad"!!
Love and Blessings!! <3

Monday, July 18, 2016

Important Message about our New World, our New Financial System, etc.!!

Okay, here is some serious news, all about our new financial system, and the true reason why JF Kennedy was shot!!
On June 21 2016 china launched it's Gold backed Yaun.  China had already refused the US Dollar for world trade, MAKING ASSURED TO CLOSE THE FEDERAL RESERVE!! Now with the gold back Yaun it will replace London's gold fix.
On June 24th, Paul Ryan announced a tax reformed agenda that appeared to carry lines of the Nesara Law (for more information on that:, a law that is the basis of forming the new US Republic!!  Republicans unveiled means for a simpler and fairer tax code.  The plan reorganized the IRS to focus on serving tax payers, not the government.  Britain also withdrew from the Euro zone, plunging global markets into a free fall.
Greenspan and his Rockefeller and Busch sponsors, may have been concerned, but their friends the Rothschild's said they made 2.5 trillion dollars on one day, the Friday after, by shorting all the stock markets and going long on gold!
By June 26th, top CIA experts were publicly stating that a revolution was imminent in Europe and the United States.  
The bankrupt European Union had become more dictatorial than the Soviet Union, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin!!  The percentage of mandatory decisions made by the European Parliament, is larger than that of mandatory decisions made by the high counsel of the USSR, concerning it's member republics.
The bankruptcy of the EU, was triggered by the bankruptcy of , the largest bank of Europe, according to members of the Rothschild banking dynasty.  Bank was now under Chinese control, and if the Chinese did not step in to help this bank, it's collapse would have caused a domino affect, and taken  down the entire European and then Western Banking systems.  After the results of Britain's June 24th's vote was made public, Germany's Deutsche Bank with 65 Trillion in several other western banks, let go of 3,000 employees.
The market experienced a modest rebound on that same day, when the bank of England, along with all other central banks, promised to pump unlimited liquidity into the financial system.  Did they plan to save world markets with a global currency reset?
By Sunday June 26th, Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, and the Netherlands were considering in joining Britain to leave the Euro zone, stimulated after the British pound was announced of being gold backed. On June 26th, the Farmers group was allowed to exchange.  This is the group that long ago brought the successful lawsuit against the Supreme Court, that resulted in the Nesara Law, and creating the New US Republic.
One June 26th, Prime Minister Abadi raised the Iraqi flag, and announced liberation of the citizens from  ISIS, celebrations began!!  AGAIN THE EVENTS IN IRAQ WERE NOT REPORTED BY THE US MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!
The new digital, transparent, and gold backed global financial system was scheduled to begin functioning sometime during Monday, June 27th, but did not . happen.  By June 27th, Britain's bankruptcy and exit from the Euro zone spread throughout the Global financial system, and the lack of liquidity reached US Banks with gold men at three year lows, and Bank of America and City Bank plunging over 12%.  On June 27th, US Federal Reserve Chairmen, Alan Greenspan called for a return to the Gold Standard.
The Global Currency reset and Gold standard for Global currencies did start on July 4th.  The gold price flat lined, there was no world wide trading, the reset was to re calibrate the Global Monetary Value system.
Britain's vote to leave the EU increased investor demand for safe haven government bonds even when the yield was below zero.  By July 5th the Swiss Government Bond curve was below zero. Bonds yields were driven by inflation and growth, but there was no inflation and no growth.  The economy was built on confidence, and without confidence there was no economy.
Meetings were held on July 5th to create a new monetary system, held by the Rothchild's and others.  They were given a July 5th to come to an agreement for both humanity and nature and create a new system for our species and this planet.  Only July 5th, people including the Rothchild's, the Clinton's, the Rockefeller's, the Bush's,  were given a July 10th agreement to release the funds.
Only July 5th, the Bank of International Settlements gave their okay to go ahead with the global currency reset.  The International Monetary Fund, allowed the Federal Reserve to release their funds.  As of July 7th, repeated attempts to pay off the US National Dept using 800 trillion dollars, 27 trillion dollars, and 9.1 trillion dollars, of tax payers monies illegal held by the Federal Reserve, had been continually thwarted by the Kabbalah, and the global currency reset would have solved the problem, but was looked over 164 times!! Several hundred million had been confiscated by the Clinton foundation!! Most of these funds were in European Bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset.
There was a documentary film that dissected history of the US Monetary System, and its relationship to the Kabbalah, CIA, and 911, which happened as an initial Global Currency Reset was to take place, presidents Johnson, Busch's, and the assassination of President Kennedy.  RIGHT BEFORE KENNEDY WAS SERVED, HE SIGNED DOCUMENTS WHICH WOULD HAVE CLOSED THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!! OMG!!
For some reason I can not get the video to download, but here is the link:

The title is New Republic, Global Currency Reset, Events of the Last 16 Days, June 26th to July 7th, created by Higher Self.  All of these videos amaze me! God Bless you all!! Stay focused on the New World we are creating right here, right now, HEAVEN ON EARTH, in this amazing time of Ascension!!