Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Major Shift is Happening Now!

Wow, there are such awesome amazing messages coming through!! The third wave of photonic light in September will amplify the shift in consciousness and ascension.  3D is disolving, the energies gone, and we can never regress to the old consciousness.  Trust your intuition and look for the teacher within, not without.  We are living through our Higher Selves, always evolving each day.  Syncronicity will happen all day, solutions will appear for the greater good.  There are higher frequenies pooring into earth, disolving the old.  
If negative thoughts come to mind, of past mistakes, etc., just redirect your focus to thoughts that feel good.  The mind only hears what the universal consiousness is putting out, they are just energies and aren't yours unless you accept them as yours.  Your past life and experiences in this life will attract like minded energies.  Redirect your mind for truth, and never feel badly for thinking past negative thoughts.  Express love and gratitude to the mind, and all will change as your mind will shift, and never go back!   
If you had health issues your entire life, focusing on health instead of disease creates a healthy body, as our thoughts do create our future.  We are all evolving in our own pace.  Our time has come and it is now.  It is important that we leave behind any outgrown dependencies upon a person, tradition, ritual or object that helped us in the past.  We are now ready to let go we don't need anyone or anything outside of ourselves to function.  Our truth and power is within, so hold your strength in your heart.  Many are experiencing difficult situations in their life.  Know that we have chosen these experiences to assist mankind as a whole.  There are no accidents and we are privelaged to be experiencing such awakening at this time. The difficulties will leave, bringing us to Heaven on Earth!  
Remember we have always been perfect, whole and complete, and the time is now.  We have done it, we are awakening big time, and the future is ours to enjoy all the love there is inside of us, and in the Universe! 

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