Thursday, August 11, 2016

Time to Step Into Our Power!

It is time to step into our power now!  We just need to be open to receive, as we were never thrown here on this earth to be alone!  It is the joy of the aliens, Ascended Masters, Archangels, etc., to assist us here! Everyone is overjoyed with what us earthlings succeeded to accomplish, creating Heaven on Earth, breaking the barrier of the darkness! Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done, it is only going to get easier from here.  Feel the Love and support the Universe has to offer to us now!  
Start by being kind to yourself and to others.  It is your life, time to manifest the life you have been dreaming of, it is right there now for the taking, due to the Ascension, and the energy from the Lion's Gate!  Dream great dreams, make them come true!  Constantly, and consistently, be kind to others, and do what you want to see more of out into the world!  You are the light, here to shine your light so bright, just ask, put out the intention, and let it go, trusting in the Universe knowing it will come!   
The reality is, small actions of love, does make a difference, as we are all connected, all one, and when one feels love, it raises the energies and frequencies of all!  Every empowering, loving choice, goes into the collective energy and will accumulate until that energy is dormant.  
Now is such an important time for us light workers to keep the faith, and focus on the world we dream of, Peace, Love, Prosperity, Unity and Oneness for all beings! No more suffering for anyone in the world, and the dark ones who do not choose to see the light at this time, will be accountable for their mis doings.  
So, some tips to remember now, so very important to do:
  1. Connect with Source! How? Go to the Earth, hug a tree, talk to the ocean, say hello to that bird, squierrel, paint, draw, etc. 
  2. Choose things that bring you joy!
  3. Keep a positive focus at all times, just focus on things that make you happy!
  4. Be kind to your brother, your neighbor, connect, smile, hold doors, send loving thoughts, etc.
  5. Always, always, uplift and support one another!
Okay, that's it for now!  Keep your head up high, we are the change!
Love and Light Always to All! <3 Namaste <3 

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