Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Time to Wake Up!

Image result for images of corruption

Here's a new message about the Cabal, the ascension process, the major changes we are going through right now!
The removal of the corrupt control will bring about major changes.  We must be prepared to cope, and have confidence in ourselves is a must!  We need to stay strong because much of what we will see will shock us, as nothing is as it seems.  Remember, Government only serve the hidden hand, never the people, and they want much of humanity to die off!  (Poisons everywhere, our food, air, water, etc.)  We must now awake to who they truly are, and accept this!  I think this will be easy for all to do now, as we can see what is going on in our worldd now. When we fully understand the corruption, then, and only then, will things change, so wake up y'all!! :)  We all truly are awakening from the nightmare the Cabal has created for humanity.  
New thinking is needed to ensure the old ways are gone forever!  Let us Dream of how we want peace on earth, no poverty (something the Cabal created to control us!), and no wars.  A World based on love, respect, justice, and honor for all will become the norm!  
Together we will get through this! This is what we have been waited for, hoped for, prayed for, and now it is within our grasp!  We should savor every minute of it for we have worked hard for it.  We are the crusaders of the "New Age", the Age of Aquarius!  Remember who we are, and know the Cabal can only delay, but not prevent the transition as it has already been written in stone for all the ages, and told by the prophets.  
It is a miracle we have coped this far, as the light has won! Amen!
Blessings of Love and Light Always! <3 

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