Monday, August 29, 2016

Super Energy in September!

We have chosen an accelerated time line and all has shifted.  This is a major milestone in the Ascension process.  We handled these energies so well, we are accelerating!  The darkness power and control is leaving, the light has won!  There is a third wave of energy happening now, is a large part of the acceleration.  It is tremendous and will awake the third wave of those on the chosen path of ascension.  
September and the rest of the year will see more intense and rapid growth in all areas.  We will never be pushed beyond the limits we can not handle.  We will be putting our skills and abilities to use, and will putting her skills and abilities to the test, and go beyond her mind though she could do.  We may experience physical shifts, and know it will be okay.  Our bodies are going through many updates and downloads, in our DNA, etc., so honor your bodies needs.  Check into your awareness of emotional, physical, energetic, mental, and spiritual selves.  Check in frequently to these levels of self and see how you feel, especially when you feel stuck.
We will see major shifts in our awareness and to what we see!  Many things in our reality will change, quicker and faster, and plans may shift quickly.  Shifts in relationships, living situations, jobs, living locations, that will require your attention.  Go with the flow!  Meditate and connect with your higher self, and ask if any previous downloads are needed at this time, to please take care of.  We are taken care of, have faith and hope to know this is a magical time here on earth, and we have all chosen to be here at this time! 
Many souls will leave the planet in months, so they can come to their own experience, always their choice.  Many other souls came to hold space, and their energies will serve in support of the collective.  Some held back to ascend, to help others lift up.  Still some knew they would not make ascension at this time, and will leave the earth and shift in a different way.  Many still are not aware of the ascension, and still live in the fear the mainstream media tells them.  Hold compassion for them, do not hold judgement, and know we are all in this together!! We are all in this together, there is not one soul who does not serve a purpose of moving towards the greater good for all.  We have no way of knowing what that soul has chosen to experience here for their own growth.  We need not judge them, give them space, and have compassion for them!  We do not have to be in their reality, and can send them love and light, and go our own way, sharing more light!

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