Monday, August 8, 2016

The Lion's Gate 8/8/16
This is an amazing video to watch about the energies of the Lion's Gate! Just a little recap:
This has been a challenging year, and we need to master our positive energies. We will take the low frequencies, and turn them into golden light, and choose love and compassion instead of anger.
You maybe around people in fear, anger, and low frequencies, you will make your choices from love and compassion, and you will be the diamond light that shines clearly and magnificently! Now is the time to step up into who you have become, not a time to sit back, watch and complain! And step forward into the emerald light of who we are, fully embodied masters, creators, and alchemists of light. As the old falls away, and we are here to hold the energies of the new, to be the new earth and embody the empowerment of the new earth soul! Wow, what amazing news, right?? The Lion's Gate and Planitary New Year is a new sign of creation! These light codes will shape the form of experience in the coming year, and lift us up to another level of evolution and experience!! If you are not aligned and in a LOW FREQUENCY OF FEAR, then you will stay in these lower frequencies again. So, once again, be aware of your energy and vibration at all times. If you are feeling low, go outside and ground in any way you can! Go see the ocean, put your feet in the sand, hug a tree, do anything to release the negative energy around, and give it to Mother Gia. Be open to this powerful light and blessings that are coming to us now!! There is an intense energy coming into us now, and if we do not know how to ground this energy, it may distable our energy field, and we may become aggresive, fearful, and angry, They may also feel lost and confused, as we need to reconnect spirit and body, heaven and earth, so body and soul are one! Your soul connects with your heart center.
There will be many distractions in the outer world, many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention, and will ask you to align your energy with theirs. We know what is happening, but to focus all your energies onto this will not create the life on earth that you want. There is a group called the Illumanati, and they want to keep humanity in a low frequency, to prevent us from freedom and empowerment. If we are awake and aware, we will see this, and not allow them to trap us in our own fears. Do not be drawn to energies that are not in alignment with the love you are, and with what you want to create! Watch your focus! We are masters, and have everything we need within us! We have activated our light body, which we needed to allow us to receive the incoming light codes and have opened our hearts to the Christ Conscious! Do not seek for peace in the outside world for now, as you create a garden around you. You are the ones to demonstrate mastery and to open the gateway of the seventh dimension. Those around you are still managing the fifth dimension and the magic of the sixth dimenstion, and are not ready to proceed.
The seventh dimension is the last of the ascension process, it means to be on this earth during the termoil and be in a place of inner stillness and peace. To be able to connect with the powerful flow of divine creative intelligence and direct this flow to magical manifestation through focus. To be without attachments, and be in the flow of love, and creativity and divine manifestation! It is time for us to claim the higher dimensions of light! We will always be safe and cared for, soul will guide us, the magical gate is opening! All sound good to me, right! What do you think?? Love and blessings always

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