Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Truth of the US Election

Here is some serious news for all of you enlightened ones, news we need to understand and spread!  Here's a recap, and here is the video, if that works better for you!
There was just a G20 Summit (20 economies gathering to discuss international financial stability) held in China, and the results were an agreement to no longer harming the earth or any of it's inhabitants!  Yay for peace, like I have been talking about!  All have come to an agreement.  GESARA,  NESARA, will be put into place NOW, another message we have been told will happen. Disclosure for all!   All will be found guilty of treason, and will be held accountable for that, so let's see when this happens.  
As for the future of the US, this video states that Hillary will pass away! Of course I have no idea if this will happen or not, but it will be interesting to see what does happen.  As I keep stating, neither canditate will win this election, things will change massively, and here again they are stating the same.  And listen to this message about Trump!  He made a deal with China and Russia and only ran for President for money and fame!  It seems as if he doesn not care about anyone,  not the United States, nor being president!  For him, it is all about the MONEY! As far as the election, it will die of with the new system from the G20 Treaties.  Our Political system has been so corrupted, as we will all see, and there has already been new people chosen, preapproved by the UN Security Council.  Then, we will be able chose a leader we w love.  
All of the Judges of the Supreme Court have been replaced, without us knowing, not wanting to cause panic in all, but we will be told soon.  The Global Financial System has also gone through a similar structural overhaul, without our awareness as well.  All global Markets are under the full control of the Global Monetary Authority, that PREVENTS high frequency trading, price rigging, and/or the abuse of Markets, Equities, and Commodities Trading.  The Rothschild empire and the Darkness is gone!  
The wealth in the African continent is like no other, and is invaluable by human standards, due to the raw earth elements in Africa which are incalculable!  
The history of the Lumarians and the Atlantians will be told when they rise above the water when the poles shift and reconsitute the earth's harmony.  
This message also brings up Cannabois oil, how it is a physically healthy life giving herb given to us by God, it keeps us healthy, preserves life, and opens the third eye!! 
The earth's poles have shifted to more of a female balance, a Love frequency!  There will be no struggle if you are at peace and in the moment.  You will manifest God's will for your life if you are going with the flow, allowing all good to happen to you.  You are free!  There is no struggle but the struggle you manufacture, so you can appear in active pursuit of a man made goal.  Life is meant to flow, be happy, follow your heart! 

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