Monday, September 26, 2016

We are Ascending Fast!

An amazing message for us!
We will move into the seventh dimension very quickly, and some will leave the earth as well.  After the Equinox, there is great love, along with more speeding up!
Concentrated energies, and expect miracles, Jupiter rules.  Focus on your individual ascension, being released from the cycle of rebirth.  Your intuition will grow, you will be able to see Angels and auras.  You are becoming your true self, and will merge with your twin flame.  You will no longer have questions as you will know, you are whole, and you have a great sense of oneness.
After the event there will be disclosure, the NESARA law, and there will be landings!!  The Pleiadians and Arcturians will come first.  Their will be three portals of tremendous love that will open and we will travel towards the seventh dimension.  November 11, December 12, and December 21st, are the dates the portals will be open.  Meditation and telepathy are good skills to practice along with yoga and breathing.  You must meditate each day, as this is required to absorb the energies towards the new light.  Anytime spent alone and in peace is like a meditation.  Detoxing the physical and emotional is needed also.  The body is turning into crystal light, and will not tolerate any toxins within!
We will see a new replacement of the United Nations with implement of divine government, so yes, have faith there, as neither candidate will be voted in!  Stay focused on the world you want to see, Peace on Earth!   We will see the formation of a universal council, one planet one nation, one race!  There are light cities that will be open for healings!! Stay positive, keep aware, pay attention, and remember, you are part of an amazing journey happening on earth now, one you wanted to experience!!
Love to all!!

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