Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Turning to Love During this Chaotic Time!

Illusion, all is an illusion, wouldn't that be nice to know?  What is an illusion you ask?  The fear, the hate, the anger, all of this!  I know this is hard to understand, it still is for me.  We are a paradox, there is no separation from me, you, us.  Love is all there is, the rest an illusion.  Our reality is not solid, everything is part of a vast electromagnetic energetic field, everything is connected to everything else, there truly is no separation.  We still do experience ourselves as separate beings, but we are all spirit, constantly connecting with each other. What we do to one, we to to another, and back to ourselves.  We even feel each others pain if we are empaths, the pain of one, or even the group.  When I awoke on Election day, I awoke in tears, feeling the collective pain, but I didn't realize why I was tearing.  No matter what, the election was filled with anger, hate, insults, etc., the opposite of what we want to see on this earth.  So many think they are right, and the other is wrong, which only divides us.  Just like I said about the political parties, it's all about dividing us, just like the darkness wanted, but that is fading.  The chaos has to occur, to bring peace and love, the Phoenix will rise again!  Oneness is about merging together, accepting each other as they are, and then mixing them together.  You may think you would loose your individuality if you merged with others.  Our whole society is about taking sides, "divide and conquer".  Now is the time to listen to each other, as we all are equal, we all have something to say.  We are all the same, but different, each one as important as the next. 
 But to bring peace during this chaotic time, it is truly important to come back to a loving, open heart, to focus on your heart chakra expanding, sending love into yourself and out to others.  If you have fallen into the mainstream fear, and want to be strong, independent, powerful and influential, and are turning to anger towards your own brother, then you need to go inside and love yourself first!  Maybe your inner child is crying for the love and attention it did not have as a child, not having it's needs met.  No one can fill that need of love, as it all starts within each of us, as we are all God Source Energy!!  There is always a frightened child desperate to be seen and loved, the illusion was built in separation, and you are searching for love from someone else, but it is within yourself, where it resolves eternally.  Love is all that is real, you will find it inside.  The Universe is contained within you, let the love in, and send it out to others that so deeply need it.  This is bringing humanity into its awakening, we all have a part to play.  The illusion is filled with fear, suffering, pain, but not real.  Your love, consciousness, all that is, is one with God, Source, and you never were separated from.  We chose this, but now we are all waking up!  The love has been surrounding us for years, coming in stronger each day, the Angels, Saints, Spirit Guides are all around.  And all we have to do is to allow, the power of God is within us, when we allow, the illusion will fade away!
So, all of you lightworkers, stay far away from the darkness!  Always know how important it is for you to shine your light, and not fall into the traps of the darkness from others.  I myself had to hide away from people for a few days because I saw so much anger towards the other for voting differently, and wanted no part of such negative energy, the exact energy the darkness wants you to have!  No, I know the light already has prevailed, I know I am here to help others to see and feel that light, and I will not let others steal my peace and sovereignty due to their own pain and suffering inside.  That is why we all need to wake up, and look inside of us if we have so much pain, hate, sadness, anger, disappointment or whatever towards our brother, all because they voted differently.
And, do you really think our future "Peace on Earth" is dependent upon the Political system?  And how is burning down our towns, and causing violence in our streets, helping to bring peace and love into the world?  WE have the power to make a change, we have the power to create the life we want here on earth, Peace on Earth, no suffering, no poverty, etc., but it starts with loving your brother, and accepting his differences, not hating him for it, attacking him, and even beating the shit out of him, all because HE VOTED DIFFERENTLY THAN YOU!! Now, tell me, who really needs the help??

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