Monday, November 14, 2016

Trying to Understand the Election

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After seeing so much anger after the elections, along with the judgments and anger towards others who voted differently than you, I could not wait to hear what the higher message of this all was, and finally, here is a start!  
You will be relieved, as it will give you some faith and hope into the Peace on Earth we are here to experience!  You must remember what to focus on, all of you lightworkers, to be loving with an open heart, which means NON JUDGEMENT of your brother!  Do not make this divide us, like the darkness wants, but rather bond us to create the life we truly want.  Remember we are all one, all the same, truly experiencing this ascension together.  We all chose to be here during this ascension, to help raise the energy and frequency of us all, especially during this critical time!  Be beyond the darkness, the hate, and shine your light as bright as you can, as that is why you are here!  If you can not remember to go to love, and not fear, (because you can not hold both of these vibrations at the same time, as they are total opposites) then you will have done your job well.  
This video explains many things, among them it states that now that the elections are over, they can be best summarized as a disaster diverted.  No, Trump is not a lightworker, but he is not in the illuminati as Hillary is!! (f you are not aware of who they are, you definitely need to educate yourself asap! The illuminati did everything possible for him to not loose this race.  The world was heading for self destruction by the illuminati, and sorry to say, they were getting ready for Nuclear war with Russia and China!  It is not like some Angel of light has come to the presidency, but we will not be headed towards nuclear war!  They may control the press, but they can not control your minds!! They are now feeling the control slipping out of their hands.
It is now time for us to get out of this political mud pit and do some real good!  Now is the time to stop pretending the political process is the most power that you have, because it is not, it is actually just keeping you dis empowered.  This election was the most aggressive, nastiest election ever, with neither candidate most of us would not be so proud of to run our country.  It exposed many deep wounds in the psyche and deepened them, anger from both sides, trying to get others onto their side.  We are currently questioning the entire election process, along with what each party stands for.  I have said this many years ago, there should not be any "party", as it only divides us.  Each candidate should be an individual, and stand for who they are, their views, plans, etc.  This should show us that our salvation does not lie in politics.  Politicians do not hold the answers to our redemption, and it can not be up to them to write this world, it is up to us, each and everyone one of us.  
So, there are many things we can do to help the United States now, and focus on the ascension and the positive energies pouring in, and start with an open, loving heart.  If you can not do that, maybe you need to look inside yourself, and see if you love and accept yourself for who you are.  It is hard to love unconditionally, when we don't love ourselves unconditionally, and take the time to understand our feelings within.  Maybe it is time to love yourself by forgiving yourself and letting go.  By forgiving others as well, knowing they did the best they could do, and maybe they were trying to teach you a lesson.  
Just always remember "THE HIGHER THE VIBRATIONS OF YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, THE MORE POWERFUL YOU CAN CREATE".  Those of higher density of consciousness create more powerfully than those of a lower consciousness!!  So first work on raising your consciousness and remember how to create your reality!! Manifest, meditate, ground and believe!  Create dreams for yourself, raise your vibration, and you will become an ever more powerful creator. And as you break into higher densities of consciousness, new, more powerful tools will await your use!
So, my friends, a most beautiful, powerful journey is ahead of you!! (What I have innately been waiting for my entire lifetime!)  If you will walk it, as this journey is not for everyone, as everyone is not ready to walk into their souls evolution and ready to awaken to their creator nature. Many will cling to their victim status, and others may hope for someone to rescue them.  Some are not yet capable of seeing their own divine nature and will reject this message and that is fine. We are all where we should be. 
These messages are for the awakening soul, not the ones clinging to 3D.  So this message is for you, the light worker, starseed, earth angel, this is a great moment regardless what you feel about either politicians, but a defeat to the illumiinai!  We can now forge forward to bring peace and abundance to all of humanity!! 
Love and Peace to all! 

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