Thursday, December 29, 2016

Major Gamma Waves Pouring In!

 There are major Gamma Waves pouring into the earth now and there is much we can do to help stabilize this energy into Mother Gaia. The light is forcing all of the lower vibrations into light, and is recoding our DNA molecules, like a universal surgery. Earth will change drastically when this high vibration wave is done, the higher you vibrate, the more you will feel it. This energy is splitting our carbon atoms in our bodies and is transforming them into crystals. This light brings the darkness out, forcing each of us to become more conscious, loving, and compassionate. We are all being transformed into butterflies, so let go and be free, free to the future you want! We are helping to raise the energy and frequencies of all!
Sleep and do not resist the change, allow it to sweep over you and do it's thing! There is so much etheric garbage being cleansed out of this realm, and many negative issues are coming out and things can be tense during this time. Earth is the most precious place in the Universe, and we are moving and changing very fast.
So, it is a time for us lightworkers to consciously focus on that light, and pull it through your crown chakra, pouring through your chakras, and deep into the earth, to help heal Mother Gaia. Then take that energy and bring it back up into the earth, up through your feet, into your chakras and back out from your head, pouring all around you and Mother Gaia again. It's that simple, we just need to remember to do this daily! And of course, remember to breathe, deep, in and out throughout, as our breath is everything! Blessings of Love and Light always, and always remember to SHINE YOUR LIGHT SO BRIGHT!! As we truly need it now! <3
This video explains more!

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