Saturday, December 17, 2016

A Message to all Lightworkers

A great message to all lightworkers!
Please stay above it all, now is the time you are being tested to see if you truly can stay in the Light!  What is the Light?  It is LOVE, pure Love, all Love.  The loving, compassion, non judgmental being, that realizes we are all one, all connected souls forever!  This means sending kindness and love to anyone you meet, regardless of their differences.  It means understanding we are all one, all trying to do the best we can do.  It means surrounding yourself with loved ones, and letting go of the draining ones, as they want to steal your energy.
When you stay bright in your light, you are channeling light to others, raising the energy and vibration of all, which will speed up the Ascension!!  That is what a lightworker is!  One who focuses on sending love and light to all, each and every day.  One that wants to serve others, and deeply cares about Mother Gaia.  One that chose before birth to come here to help heal the people from the affects of fear.  The fear energy, victimhood, is gone, the light has won, and with the Ascension, we are feeling more love, more loved, and realize we can manifest anything we want! Peace on Earth, and the life we want to have.
Here is a video reminding us that this is a time of renewal during this solstice, and to focus on the vision of the world you want to create and believe in, PEACE ON EARTH!  That is why we are here, why we came, to create Peace on Earth, each of us chose to be here at this time!  That is such an exciting thought for me, because this is what gives me the strength to move on each day, especially in my loneliness and pain.  I have the faith, and hope, it just resonates with my soul, and I get chills all through my body when I hear the deep truth of it all!  And it is truly deep!! Souls, energies
Our consciousness is raising, we are awakening, we are Ascending!  Welcome the Solstice and the New Year, and we are celebrating all that we are creating!

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