Saturday, December 31, 2016

HAPPY NEW YEAR! Believe in Your Dreams!

Happy New Year, along with many blessings!  
This year we can stop and take a deep breath of relief, and pat ourselves on the back for getting through 2016!  It was definitely a year of releasing and letting go, as I did much of that myself by shedding tears, for many of the days in the year!  If you let go of the past in 2016, you will be able to enjoy the peace of 2017.  There is still time to write down some things you want to let go of, and burn it tonight to let go of!  
This will be a year to manifest your dreams, as long as you believe! 
This past year was filled with chaos, so this year we need to find the calmness by grounding ourselves daily.  I never realized how important grounding was until I learned more about energy, and the Ascension process with all that Gamma Energy coming through.  It is really important for the ones who are aware of this, to take that energy and consciously focus on that energy pouring through your crown chakra, flowing through all your chakra's, out through your feet, and into the earth!  That's it, that's all it takes, to help in raising the energy and vibration of yourself, and the planet, which will speed up the Ascension Process! And I thank you each time you do this! <3  We can not heal if we are not grounded, and this process will also ground the energies into Mother Gaia, grounding yourself as well.  We can heal ourselves with this energy if we believe, when we heal ourselves, we heal the entire planet!  Focus on Healing, healing yourself, Mother Gaia, whatever you choose, just believe and heal! 
As for January 1st, it is a very powerful day to stay silent and enter into a place of stillness.  This would be a great day to be alone, meditate, spend time in nature, journal about yourself, which I have now decided to do tomorrow.  We think we are alone, separate from the whole, but we are not, our individual happiness affects the entire whole, as we heal ourselves, we help to heal the world!  

"So, just focus on you!  On healing yourself, and not judging your brother, think about it, if we all did that, what type of world would we have?"

So, dream great dreams and make them come true, you can if you only BELIEVE!!
Blessings of Love and Light always, especially into the New Year!
Here is the video, explaining this and much more, only six minutes to watch! 

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