Tuesday, August 30, 2016

A Major Shift is Happening Now!

Wow, there are such awesome amazing messages coming through!! The third wave of photonic light in September will amplify the shift in consciousness and ascension.  3D is disolving, the energies gone, and we can never regress to the old consciousness.  Trust your intuition and look for the teacher within, not without.  We are living through our Higher Selves, always evolving each day.  Syncronicity will happen all day, solutions will appear for the greater good.  There are higher frequenies pooring into earth, disolving the old.  
If negative thoughts come to mind, of past mistakes, etc., just redirect your focus to thoughts that feel good.  The mind only hears what the universal consiousness is putting out, they are just energies and aren't yours unless you accept them as yours.  Your past life and experiences in this life will attract like minded energies.  Redirect your mind for truth, and never feel badly for thinking past negative thoughts.  Express love and gratitude to the mind, and all will change as your mind will shift, and never go back!   
If you had health issues your entire life, focusing on health instead of disease creates a healthy body, as our thoughts do create our future.  We are all evolving in our own pace.  Our time has come and it is now.  It is important that we leave behind any outgrown dependencies upon a person, tradition, ritual or object that helped us in the past.  We are now ready to let go we don't need anyone or anything outside of ourselves to function.  Our truth and power is within, so hold your strength in your heart.  Many are experiencing difficult situations in their life.  Know that we have chosen these experiences to assist mankind as a whole.  There are no accidents and we are privelaged to be experiencing such awakening at this time. The difficulties will leave, bringing us to Heaven on Earth!  
Remember we have always been perfect, whole and complete, and the time is now.  We have done it, we are awakening big time, and the future is ours to enjoy all the love there is inside of us, and in the Universe! 

Monday, August 29, 2016

Super Energy in September!

We have chosen an accelerated time line and all has shifted.  This is a major milestone in the Ascension process.  We handled these energies so well, we are accelerating!  The darkness power and control is leaving, the light has won!  There is a third wave of energy happening now, is a large part of the acceleration.  It is tremendous and will awake the third wave of those on the chosen path of ascension.  
September and the rest of the year will see more intense and rapid growth in all areas.  We will never be pushed beyond the limits we can not handle.  We will be putting our skills and abilities to use, and will putting her skills and abilities to the test, and go beyond her mind though she could do.  We may experience physical shifts, and know it will be okay.  Our bodies are going through many updates and downloads, in our DNA, etc., so honor your bodies needs.  Check into your awareness of emotional, physical, energetic, mental, and spiritual selves.  Check in frequently to these levels of self and see how you feel, especially when you feel stuck.
We will see major shifts in our awareness and to what we see!  Many things in our reality will change, quicker and faster, and plans may shift quickly.  Shifts in relationships, living situations, jobs, living locations, that will require your attention.  Go with the flow!  Meditate and connect with your higher self, and ask if any previous downloads are needed at this time, to please take care of.  We are taken care of, have faith and hope to know this is a magical time here on earth, and we have all chosen to be here at this time! 
Many souls will leave the planet in months, so they can come to their own experience, always their choice.  Many other souls came to hold space, and their energies will serve in support of the collective.  Some held back to ascend, to help others lift up.  Still some knew they would not make ascension at this time, and will leave the earth and shift in a different way.  Many still are not aware of the ascension, and still live in the fear the mainstream media tells them.  Hold compassion for them, do not hold judgement, and know we are all in this together!! We are all in this together, there is not one soul who does not serve a purpose of moving towards the greater good for all.  We have no way of knowing what that soul has chosen to experience here for their own growth.  We need not judge them, give them space, and have compassion for them!  We do not have to be in their reality, and can send them love and light, and go our own way, sharing more light!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Time to Step Into Our Power!

It is time to step into our power now!  We just need to be open to receive, as we were never thrown here on this earth to be alone!  It is the joy of the aliens, Ascended Masters, Archangels, etc., to assist us here! Everyone is overjoyed with what us earthlings succeeded to accomplish, creating Heaven on Earth, breaking the barrier of the darkness! Pat yourselves on the back for a job well done, it is only going to get easier from here.  Feel the Love and support the Universe has to offer to us now!  
Start by being kind to yourself and to others.  It is your life, time to manifest the life you have been dreaming of, it is right there now for the taking, due to the Ascension, and the energy from the Lion's Gate!  Dream great dreams, make them come true!  Constantly, and consistently, be kind to others, and do what you want to see more of out into the world!  You are the light, here to shine your light so bright, just ask, put out the intention, and let it go, trusting in the Universe knowing it will come!   
The reality is, small actions of love, does make a difference, as we are all connected, all one, and when one feels love, it raises the energies and frequencies of all!  Every empowering, loving choice, goes into the collective energy and will accumulate until that energy is dormant.  
Now is such an important time for us light workers to keep the faith, and focus on the world we dream of, Peace, Love, Prosperity, Unity and Oneness for all beings! No more suffering for anyone in the world, and the dark ones who do not choose to see the light at this time, will be accountable for their mis doings.  
So, some tips to remember now, so very important to do:
  1. Connect with Source! How? Go to the Earth, hug a tree, talk to the ocean, say hello to that bird, squierrel, paint, draw, etc. 
  2. Choose things that bring you joy!
  3. Keep a positive focus at all times, just focus on things that make you happy!
  4. Be kind to your brother, your neighbor, connect, smile, hold doors, send loving thoughts, etc.
  5. Always, always, uplift and support one another!
Okay, that's it for now!  Keep your head up high, we are the change!
Love and Light Always to All! <3 Namaste <3 

Monday, August 8, 2016

The Lion's Gate 8/8/16

This is an amazing video to watch about the energies of the Lion's Gate! Just a little recap:
This has been a challenging year, and we need to master our positive energies. We will take the low frequencies, and turn them into golden light, and choose love and compassion instead of anger.
You maybe around people in fear, anger, and low frequencies, you will make your choices from love and compassion, and you will be the diamond light that shines clearly and magnificently! Now is the time to step up into who you have become, not a time to sit back, watch and complain! And step forward into the emerald light of who we are, fully embodied masters, creators, and alchemists of light. As the old falls away, and we are here to hold the energies of the new, to be the new earth and embody the empowerment of the new earth soul! Wow, what amazing news, right?? The Lion's Gate and Planitary New Year is a new sign of creation! These light codes will shape the form of experience in the coming year, and lift us up to another level of evolution and experience!! If you are not aligned and in a LOW FREQUENCY OF FEAR, then you will stay in these lower frequencies again. So, once again, be aware of your energy and vibration at all times. If you are feeling low, go outside and ground in any way you can! Go see the ocean, put your feet in the sand, hug a tree, do anything to release the negative energy around, and give it to Mother Gia. Be open to this powerful light and blessings that are coming to us now!! There is an intense energy coming into us now, and if we do not know how to ground this energy, it may distable our energy field, and we may become aggresive, fearful, and angry, They may also feel lost and confused, as we need to reconnect spirit and body, heaven and earth, so body and soul are one! Your soul connects with your heart center.
There will be many distractions in the outer world, many disasters and conflicts will occur that will ask for your attention, and will ask you to align your energy with theirs. We know what is happening, but to focus all your energies onto this will not create the life on earth that you want. There is a group called the Illumanati, and they want to keep humanity in a low frequency, to prevent us from freedom and empowerment. If we are awake and aware, we will see this, and not allow them to trap us in our own fears. Do not be drawn to energies that are not in alignment with the love you are, and with what you want to create! Watch your focus! We are masters, and have everything we need within us! We have activated our light body, which we needed to allow us to receive the incoming light codes and have opened our hearts to the Christ Conscious! Do not seek for peace in the outside world for now, as you create a garden around you. You are the ones to demonstrate mastery and to open the gateway of the seventh dimension. Those around you are still managing the fifth dimension and the magic of the sixth dimenstion, and are not ready to proceed.
The seventh dimension is the last of the ascension process, it means to be on this earth during the termoil and be in a place of inner stillness and peace. To be able to connect with the powerful flow of divine creative intelligence and direct this flow to magical manifestation through focus. To be without attachments, and be in the flow of love, and creativity and divine manifestation! It is time for us to claim the higher dimensions of light! We will always be safe and cared for, soul will guide us, the magical gate is opening! All sound good to me, right! What do you think?? Love and blessings always

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Time to Wake Up!

Image result for images of corruption

Here's a new message about the Cabal, the ascension process, the major changes we are going through right now!
The removal of the corrupt control will bring about major changes.  We must be prepared to cope, and have confidence in ourselves is a must!  We need to stay strong because much of what we will see will shock us, as nothing is as it seems.  Remember, Government only serve the hidden hand, never the people, and they want much of humanity to die off!  (Poisons everywhere, our food, air, water, etc.)  We must now awake to who they truly are, and accept this!  I think this will be easy for all to do now, as we can see what is going on in our worldd now. When we fully understand the corruption, then, and only then, will things change, so wake up y'all!! :)  We all truly are awakening from the nightmare the Cabal has created for humanity.  
New thinking is needed to ensure the old ways are gone forever!  Let us Dream of how we want peace on earth, no poverty (something the Cabal created to control us!), and no wars.  A World based on love, respect, justice, and honor for all will become the norm!  
Together we will get through this! This is what we have been waited for, hoped for, prayed for, and now it is within our grasp!  We should savor every minute of it for we have worked hard for it.  We are the crusaders of the "New Age", the Age of Aquarius!  Remember who we are, and know the Cabal can only delay, but not prevent the transition as it has already been written in stone for all the ages, and told by the prophets.  
It is a miracle we have coped this far, as the light has won! Amen!
Blessings of Love and Light Always! <3