Thursday, January 26, 2017

The New President, The New Revolution

Maybe I can calm things down about the new President many are upset with.  Please do your own research and learn about how Hillary is part of the darkness, and part of the Cabal, and could not have become President, due to the darkness leaving during this massive Ascension here on earth now.  I assume you all know this already, if you are ascending into 5D.  
What is happening?  Due to Trump calling Hillary and the press out on things, pressing for the truth, we have realized the lies in the media, and how they can control situations.  This is pushing us to want to know the truth.  To realize we have been lied to, and demand the truth.  Well, the new President has helped already with the disclosure that will be seen soon.  He has awaken us up to the lies, demanding the truth himself, and we followed suit!  And, now we are owning our own power, and are demanding more, and that is a beautiful thing!  
Along with the President, yes he is arrogant and is in it for himself, for him to look good.  But, for us, that's okay, because he will get the job done, and do what he says he will do.  
The info I read stated that he wants to be seen as the hero that saved America, so for us, that works!  He will release information to us that will shock us, and we will demand to know the truth, full disclosure.  It is best for the people to ask and demand the truth now, than for it to be given freely, as we will be more open for it.  Trump will facilitate this movement and force the truth to be known!  I also have read from more than one source, that he will not be in term for four years, I have no clue why not, but it will be interesting to see what happens.  

We are in a revolution, to know the truth, to own our own power, to realize we are all one!   And, it is a very exciting time to be here, a time we all asked to come here to experience now.   Then NESARA will go into affect soon, and Trump will follow through with the energy to make that happen, and we will be free!  No more slaves, no more financial burden, no more illness, just filled with love and peace on earth!  Notice major shifts happen when we start to think and feel the same, it pours energy out, and energy into the movement that has occurred.  So, it is very important to focus on what we want to see in our reality, in our world, and I know it is one of Love and Peace!  And remember our connection to each other as we are all one, the more we evolve, and awaken, the more we know this, and ask, how can I serve?  
I thank you for shining your light each day, and focusing on creating heaven and earth.  Always shine your light to others, each and every day, and help raise the energy and vibration of humanity!
Blessings!! <3 

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