Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Focus on Love

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With this New Year, and the Ascension, the lightworkers need to step up, own their power, and remember to focus on LOVE, to turn away from the fear from the Cabal, and the mainstream media.  We need all of the lightworkers now, to own their power, and focus on light, and only the light.  I know it is possible because I have been doing this for the past year, and it has totally transformed my life!  It is very powerful to know we can create our own reality, by WHAT WE FOCUS ON!  Wow, it is as simple as that, but for some, will never reach.  Since we are all ascending into 5D, it is easy to achieve now, if you jump on that powerful, loving energy around!  Focus on creating the life you want, what you want to see, not what you had.  It is so important now to let go, especially at the end of last year.  To let go of the pain and suffering you have been carrying along probably a lifetime and more!  To be aware, and put the intention out.  Then, know what you want to manifest, how you want to serve, and Spirit will guide you, and it will appear.  Always keep the faith, and remember, we all chose to be here during this miraculous time on earth, with this major shift into Ascension!  Amen!   

There is no room on Mother Gaia now, as we are ascending into 5D, for the older energies of fear.  The lower energies can not make it into the new world, so they will leave, the darkness is on it's way out!  We can no longer hide from our fear, our own fear in our heart now.  Now would be a really good time to face it, deal with it, and let it go!  It is as easy as going back to that memory, intentionally releasing it (maybe through tears), and letting it go by comforting your inner child.  Explain to yourself that you are all grown up, this is your life now, and you are happy, safe, and loved (Or any feelings you want to feel in place of the old). 

If we feel fearful, we can stop that feeling by breathing deeply, and blessing the fear and transforming the energy into love. Imagine love covering these emotions when they arise, and feeling comforted by that love.  It is time to be gentle with ourselves.  
I feel it, I feel the change in the energy so much it's crazy!  I feel so high and am having a hard time grounding without the ability to walk in the ocean every day!  I now have to make sure I sit near a tree, hug a tree, and still get to the ocean when I can, for grounding.  When I focus on a grounding meditation, I focus on grounding my feet into Mother Gaia, and focus on her roots pouring all over my feet.  I pull the energy back into my body, but instead of sending it out of my crown chakra into the universe, I keep it in my heart chakra for a healing of Love! 

We are all feeling the connection to one another more and more each day.  The connection we have to one another is finally being exposed and can not be denied.  As we see the connection we have to one another, we will not be able to harm the other, without harming ourselves!  That is why it is so important to take the time and get together to chant, sing, drum, meditate, and do anything that will help raise the energy within yourself, and then others!  
Blessings of Love and Light!
Image result for images of animals bonding

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