Wednesday, January 18, 2017

The Violet Flame of Healing!

Thanks to synchronicity, as I am finally asking the Universe to show me how to heal the pain I have been feeling for over 30 years, and here is a video I wake up to!  The violet flame, radiant colors, more pure than found on earth, seven rays each with their own qualities of mercy, forgiveness, freedom, and transformation.  It has the highest frequency in the visual spectrum.  This is why I have been resonating with St. Germain so much, as he is bringing the violet flame back.  It will help to release the past, cause, affect and even memory of past mistakes.  It changes negative energy into positive, and erases bad karma and mistakes, as what we send out always comes back to either kiss us, or slap us in the face!  The violet flame is able to transmute our negative karma before it comes back to us, and can help heal our bodies to heal our karma that makes us vulnerable to disease.  The real cause of disease is in emotional, mental and spiritual states.  Negative thoughts and feelings create emotional problems, along with painful feelings, that the violet flame can heal, by changing vibrations.  
To access the violet flame, you would mediate or sit quietly in a calm space.  As everything is intention and focus, you want to focus on a large violet flame in front of you, and express anything you feel resonates with you regarding invoking the violet flame within.  "I am a being of violet fire, I am the purity God desires", can be your mantra.  Then, walk into this huge violet flame, and bring it up through your body, transforming your entire being into pure violet light.  You can also visualize the violet flame in your third eye, whatever works for you would be right. "May this violet flame, wash over my entire being, and transform me into your purest light of love, and I thank you!" is my mantra. 
When you want to send love and healing to others, invoke this violet flame into your entire being, and focus on sending the violet light to them, into their heart chakra, and watch the healing occur!  I do this by sending others white light, I will now invoke this violet light instead.  I have been hearing many messages from St. Germain, and about his violet flame of healing and protection, to invoke around you before you may need to be around many people, because of the lower energies around.  These lower energies always cause worse pain in my head, neck, back, etc., so they do affect us physically, making it important to put love of any light around us, and that light will be sent back to the other for a healing within themselves!    

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