Monday, March 20, 2017

Spring Equinox ~ Major Shift!

Spring Equinox! The most powerful one ever, as so much is happening in our ascension process, and the axis has shifted, waking us up!  
The energy will be intense for a few weeks, and some maybe feeling ascension symptoms, still having past pain to release.  Let it go, it is easy now, just let it go.  Know there is no room for that darkness in the 5D light of Love!  We are being challenged to get out of our head and into our heart! <3  Like I keep saying, go inside and turn to your heart.  
Each time I do something to raise my energy like sound healing, Reiki, etc., my energy shifts so much, and I actually feel more love in my heart.  As if that love can grow, grow into understanding and compassion to my brother who walks the street!  
We are currently shifting timelines, raising up to 5D, shifting between trust and distrust, reacting and over reacting.  Many are realizing the old way is not working anymore.  Core wounds are surfacing, allow them to leave, sending them love and light.  Remember the darkness must see the light in order to ascend into 5D, as it is the only frequency there is! 
Your soul is pushing you to another reality, outside duality!  Before this shift the duality you see may increase, to fully dissolve!  Imagine no dualtiy, only LOVE!  You may get sick, chronic ailments may arise, so we can let everything go for good.  Listen to your body, as it knows and it is


Timeline split is here, now!  That is why it feels as if someone pushed the fast forward button.  Having any fear needs to be resolved, now is the time to trust in the Universe, and know we are creating heaven on earth as we speak!  Remember, there is no fear and worry in 5D, if that's where your energy is.  Take a breathe, breathe in love and trust, and release the fear in your body, allowing only love back in!  
Take time to be alone and feel the energy and see where it is pulling you?  What is it telling you to do?  Where is it guiding you?  My energy has been shifting so quickly each week, as I am jumping from relocating one week, to waiting a bit the next.  I am trying to just go with the flow, go with the energy pushing me to a better place of growth for me.  Knowing where I want to go, and putting trust and faith in the Universe, knowing it will put me EXACTLY where I am suppose to be.  And for me that is, where can I serve?

Your ego will not come into 5D, it will be a free spirit just setting intentions and manifesting.  Just let the energy run through you, take a walk, do yoga, garden, do something to shift your energy that's calming.  Not everyone will shift into 5D this week!  Yes, this week my lightworker friends, my soul family, wayshowers, etc!  Remember there is no pressure, no pressure for change.  If you feel pressured, that's a true sign of fear and mistrust in your own process.  That is exactly what prevents your from ascending into 5D, 5D opens when we put full trust in the Universe with an open mind!

Always do your inner work, remembering your journey is your journey and every step is important.  Remember we are all truly, courageous warriors, who CHOSE TO BE HERE AT THIS TIME!  Go with your own flow!  Trust yourself, your own intuition, and never give your power away to any "Spiritual Leader" as I did!  Know one know you but you, and a true leader will tell you this!  Wake up to your power within!

Triggers maybe happening to you more, because  we are now entering the gateway with the highest energetic potential this month to getting things cleared.  We are also picking up the collective fear energies of fighting and running away.  We may confront others that are the closest to us, returning to victim hood.  It is helpful to take a step back and realize your the only one responsible and they are only reflecting your frequency, as everyone is a mirror to us.  Your ego and mind may not believe this and try to keep you in blame, quilt and shame and judgement, realize this, and do not allow this to prolong the experience from 3D to 5D.

When you feel triggered, go into your heart.  Do something loving for yourself, and shift into the state of love, connecting to Source.  Listen to your heart, this is key now to prepare for the transition.  Focus on your heart space and feel the energy that your mind doesn't understand.  Focus on your senses, stop, breathe, and be in the now, what do you see, hear, or feel?  The energy is about following our joy, having fun, and bringing our inner chld back!  As our inner child is our best adviser now, being in the moment is the best way to enjoy it!  
Remember all of the answers to your questions are within you.  Where else would God have put them?  It was always inside, we just had to remember, just like Dorothy did!

Realizing your own intuition, listening to your guides, is key now to ascend to 5D.  Remember not to look for answers from others outside of you, because:


No no one knows your next step, only you do.  Any good coach will not give you the answers, only guide you in love, and give you tools on your journey ahead. Share your feelings with others, but then be alone, go within, and spirit will guide you.  Always remember to ground, grounding is key to stay in touch with your own intuition!

The energies are very intense, and they are here to push you, to serve you and provide you with momentum to 

This is all to raise our frequency quickly! Yay!
Happy Equinox, remember to sing and dance!
I love you all, and can not wait until we meet again!
Go in Love and Light! <3 

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