Friday, March 10, 2017

Increasing Energy for 9 Days!

Image result for images of light from crown chakra

We have entered 9 consecutive days of magnetic storms that help us with the Ascension process, increasing the ratio of the light body and Merkaba we are in the process of embodying!  You may feel tingles in your crown chakra for a few minutes at a time, this is the energy from the sun ascending upon us.  This is to let us know the deep connection we have with the Universe!   We are remembering, we are waking up to who we truly are, beings of pure light!  

You maybe feeling tired, nausea, achy, dizzy, have increased paranormal visions, all due to this, so not to worry, just honor yourself.   
This is the year of major changes, we are all becoming our true, authentic selves, so take that leap of faith!  The time to do it is now, don't you feel it? I do, each day my energy is shifting and I am realizing more each day where I should be and how should I serve? I wake up with the burning desire to help others, bond and connect.   
So do what is burning in your heart to do, have fun, dance, sing, stay connected with others!  I tend to hibernate too much, but when I bond with loved ones, my energy sky rockets!  

What are you truly meant to do here, you know, what's your life purpose? lol  Look at it like this, just follow your joy, do what you love, and have faith that abundance will come due to all of this!  We are in a great ascension, and it is now, and we have the power to change our life to what we want.  Dream great dreams and make them come true! 

Know we are all here to shine our light so bright, and Heaven is upon us now, we are rising, rising to where we have never been before in our body!  Our light bodies!  It is so exciting to be here now, remember we all asked for this, to be part of this experience!  So raise your head high, keep it high each day, and help uplift others along the way! 

I am living proof.  I am currently going to relocate, again, and as I put trust in the Universe, and talk to my Spirits for guidance, I know I will be where I am suppose to be.  Where I can serve the most right now!  And for me, it's back up North by my children, and I am thrilled! And I am being guided to finally open that Yoga/Healing Center I have wanted to forever!  Wow, for me, as Spirit spoke through me after I attended my first Hot Yoga class here.  After the class, while I was speaking with the teacher, I told her she would have to come teach for me when I have my place up North!  I don't even know where that came from, it wasn't my intention!  I left that class with such a high, such a shift in energy, and Spirit spoke to me all day as I was already researching business plans and investors! 
 Then, I realized so many messages I listen to explain how important it is to connect and get together now, and I see that when I do my readings. When two or more bond together, it raises the vibration of all!  I have always wanted my own place, for years on end, so this is not new, only new that Spirit says, the time is now!  Instead of me having to find places to do my work, my place will be the hub for all different types of healing modalities, specializing with children, which there is such a need for.  Yes! I am very excited!   

If relationships are breaking up, it is because we must be true to ourselves, there is no other way right now, for each of us.  We realize others that aren't on our path are draining, and we let them go in love and light.  I am very careful as to where my energy goes, and I do not wast it on the complainers for sure!  Honor yourself first!


Stay grounded, which I truly have to make a point to do throughout my day, feeling too high.  I also have been focusing on deep breathing throughout the entire day, and this truly helps to keep me grounded.  
Also stay hydrated, and eat!  Another sign of the Ascension process, not feeling the need to eat or drink!  I have felt this way the past week, not even being hungry to eat.  Make sure to eat organic, healthy, fresh foods as well!
I can not wait to meet everyone on the rainbow bridge to heaven!


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