Friday, April 14, 2017

What is the Truth about the War in Syria?

This is a must listen to, it is shocking for sure, but just the same, the truth, what we need to know!  We want Peace on Earth, finally, and the dark Cabal have been trying to kill most of us for years.  I am sorry, it's a proven fact now, by many sources!  These messages make me cry, and then I pray for peace and ask God and the Spirits above as to what I can do to help in any way?
It seems like nothing, but I suppose loving ourselves is a good place to start, and loving each other with forgiveness and compassion.  And appreciate each person in my face each day, because people are being killed right now all around the world, FOR NO REASON AT ALL!
I know, we keep hearing, the end is near, but I truly believe it is.  We need to pray for peace and believe it, and if we want to be aware of the TRUTH and are addicted to the news, then THIS is the information you need to here, from Benjamin Fulford when it comes to global truth.  He is an amazing man, putting his life on the line for sure, for us and all, to get the truth out!  I send him love and blessings as well!  Be prepared though, much of what you will hear will make you cry.  You will cry to know what our country has done, the country our family members has gone to war and DIE for!  All for the Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, BUSCH'S etc., to make MONEY!   WAR CREATES MONEY, and that is why we have been in wars forever.  Please watch and share his information!
Also go within your own intuition, in trying to figure out what the truth really is.  

On a lighter note, we are in a massive change, in Mother Gaia's Ascension to 5D.  Remember, the dark can not exist in the 5D energies of love and compassion, so what we are seeing in 3D is chaos for sure, but it is the last to go.  Rockefeller DIED and major changes are occurring due to that as well.  
Stay in the light within yourself, look to the light outside and breathe it into your body, into Mother Gaia to help aid in her healing, and pull it back up, outside your crown chakra, and 


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