Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Message to all Blue Rays

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive, empathic soul group, that came from other light realms, to raise the energy and consciousness of Gaia.   They are the lost tray of the lightworker.  Their mission is to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for other rays to come. You were born into a family where you will transform the damaged DNA blood ancestry line for humanity and the planet!
 This actually happened to me, when my Shaman did a past life soul regressions, and found my little girl ancestor hiding in a cave, feeling she was bad in some way, but okay with it!  Wow, I said back then, and look now!  My Shaman convinced her to leave the cave, and go with her to a safe place, until she got in touch with me.  It was a beautiful, healing experience, and it resonated with me totally upon explanation!  See, the Universe does send us on the right path, if we learn to listen!

We are experiencing an ending of a Galactic alignment of a great cycle, where soul agreements and deep emotions are coming up to the surface.  This explains my highs and lows during the day, as I still get tears from missing my family, my children, and living alone!  <3

This Galactic alignment occurs once every 26,000 years with great shifts, return of the star people, and peace on earth.  Blue Rays and Star Seeds have come to earth for this cycle.  You carry the harmonic resonances of the inter galactic codes.  You came many different realms, from far distant star, solar systems, and through the Blue Ray. for the frequency alignment of Gaia.

This is a huge mission!  To be able to vibrate your frequency here on the planet and not loose your connection through trauma, while healing the family dynamics.   You are transformers, you have the violet tray of transformation in your aura energy field, with your main aura resonating to blue.
We had to raise our energies to love, to seek who we were, knowing we were not from here but from the stars!

 The signature of your soul vibration is calling for freedom of who you are.  There is an enhanced energy that is calling the Blue Rays to come out of hiding and connect with each other in the divine holy matrix.   As a Blue Ray, you will see the pre encoded awakening sometime on your path, to know who you are and where to be.

I have never heard of this before, all I know, is that while listening to this message, I cried and cried, it resonated with my soul so much!

An awesome message to listen to, which makes me understand myself better as well, and may help you too!  I think we have many soul aspects within us, Archangels, Yeshua, etc., and this just aids in it all!
I hope all of you are staying in the light, avoiding focusing on the negative media that wants to keep everyone in fear and control!

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