Saturday, April 22, 2017

A Message to all Blue Rays

The Blue Ray Beings are an ultra sensitive, empathic soul group, that came from other light realms, to raise the energy and consciousness of Gaia.   They are the lost tray of the lightworker.  Their mission is to transform the damaged, mutated DNA of humanity, and set the stage for other rays to come. You were born into a family where you will transform the damaged DNA blood ancestry line for humanity and the planet!
 This actually happened to me, when my Shaman did a past life soul regressions, and found my little girl ancestor hiding in a cave, feeling she was bad in some way, but okay with it!  Wow, I said back then, and look now!  My Shaman convinced her to leave the cave, and go with her to a safe place, until she got in touch with me.  It was a beautiful, healing experience, and it resonated with me totally upon explanation!  See, the Universe does send us on the right path, if we learn to listen!

We are experiencing an ending of a Galactic alignment of a great cycle, where soul agreements and deep emotions are coming up to the surface.  This explains my highs and lows during the day, as I still get tears from missing my family, my children, and living alone!  <3

This Galactic alignment occurs once every 26,000 years with great shifts, return of the star people, and peace on earth.  Blue Rays and Star Seeds have come to earth for this cycle.  You carry the harmonic resonances of the inter galactic codes.  You came many different realms, from far distant star, solar systems, and through the Blue Ray. for the frequency alignment of Gaia.

This is a huge mission!  To be able to vibrate your frequency here on the planet and not loose your connection through trauma, while healing the family dynamics.   You are transformers, you have the violet tray of transformation in your aura energy field, with your main aura resonating to blue.
We had to raise our energies to love, to seek who we were, knowing we were not from here but from the stars!

 The signature of your soul vibration is calling for freedom of who you are.  There is an enhanced energy that is calling the Blue Rays to come out of hiding and connect with each other in the divine holy matrix.   As a Blue Ray, you will see the pre encoded awakening sometime on your path, to know who you are and where to be.

I have never heard of this before, all I know, is that while listening to this message, I cried and cried, it resonated with my soul so much!

An awesome message to listen to, which makes me understand myself better as well, and may help you too!  I think we have many soul aspects within us, Archangels, Yeshua, etc., and this just aids in it all!
I hope all of you are staying in the light, avoiding focusing on the negative media that wants to keep everyone in fear and control!

Friday, April 14, 2017

What is the Truth about the War in Syria?

This is a must listen to, it is shocking for sure, but just the same, the truth, what we need to know!  We want Peace on Earth, finally, and the dark Cabal have been trying to kill most of us for years.  I am sorry, it's a proven fact now, by many sources!  These messages make me cry, and then I pray for peace and ask God and the Spirits above as to what I can do to help in any way?
It seems like nothing, but I suppose loving ourselves is a good place to start, and loving each other with forgiveness and compassion.  And appreciate each person in my face each day, because people are being killed right now all around the world, FOR NO REASON AT ALL!
I know, we keep hearing, the end is near, but I truly believe it is.  We need to pray for peace and believe it, and if we want to be aware of the TRUTH and are addicted to the news, then THIS is the information you need to here, from Benjamin Fulford when it comes to global truth.  He is an amazing man, putting his life on the line for sure, for us and all, to get the truth out!  I send him love and blessings as well!  Be prepared though, much of what you will hear will make you cry.  You will cry to know what our country has done, the country our family members has gone to war and DIE for!  All for the Rockefeller's, Rothschild's, BUSCH'S etc., to make MONEY!   WAR CREATES MONEY, and that is why we have been in wars forever.  Please watch and share his information!
Also go within your own intuition, in trying to figure out what the truth really is.  

On a lighter note, we are in a massive change, in Mother Gaia's Ascension to 5D.  Remember, the dark can not exist in the 5D energies of love and compassion, so what we are seeing in 3D is chaos for sure, but it is the last to go.  Rockefeller DIED and major changes are occurring due to that as well.  
Stay in the light within yourself, look to the light outside and breathe it into your body, into Mother Gaia to help aid in her healing, and pull it back up, outside your crown chakra, and 


Monday, April 10, 2017


Image result for images of peace on earth

Today is a day set aside to spend some alone time to sit, pray, or meditate on WORLD PEACE.
A day many light workers have decided to focus on healing the situation in Syria, praying for peace!

Here is a quick meditation suggested to use in adding in this Peace on Earth.

Imagine a pillar of light coming from the sun, running through everyone's body, and through our body to the center of the earth.  Visualize another pillar coming through the center of the earth, up through your body, and upwards into the sky towards all beings of light in the solar system and our galaxy.  You are now in two pillars of light, flowing upward and downwards at the same time.  Keep these pillars active for a few moments.
Now visualize a violet flame (St. Germain!) purifying the Syria vortex and energy field on the plasma, etheric, and astral planes.  Imagine the violet flame expanding throughout the Middle East, and purifying it with love.  Then expand the violet flame over the entire Mother Gaia, healing her with this love.

Visualize a soft, pink light healing Syria.  Visualize this divine feminine energy, Goddess Energy healing the minds and hearts of everyone involved in the Syrian conflict.  Then visualize this energy expanding throughout the Middle East, and then once again, over the entire planet, healing everyone through love and peace.

Sunday, April 9, 2017


Wow, there is so much intense, serious, awesome information in this video, and I wonder your opinion as well.  Some info maybe shocking, and controversial, so you make your decision, and be open minded.  Crazy stuff surely is happening, and it is happening very FAST, just like all the Spirits and Aliens have been saying!

Focus on the Ascension, on guiding with your heart every moment of every day!
I truly feel my heart chakra opening more and more each day, shining my light so bright, and strangers see it, and are drawn to me.  Especially children and animals, truly amazing in deed!  

I truly all of you are focusing on the love and light within you each day, and focusing on 

The video quick recap, but must listen to, about Obama, how he was threatened to do certain things or his family would be killed, (we know that shit happens), and how Putin is truly the joint! lol  Trump is trying to bring the Illuminate down.  The darkness of the Illuminate is leaving no matter what, the light has won.  Hillary's pedophile connection seems to be true, read the info for yourself, TIME TO WAKE UP!  
No judgement, as we are all divine beings, but total awareness is a must, as we all will go through feeling what we did to others, here, now and the past.   


*This messages is from a 17 year old boy named Mathew who passed at age 17, and is channeling through his Mother, to help guide us along our Ascension.  One of the most informative messages I have heard!
#keepthefaith #loveisallthereis #peaceonearth #youarethelight #weareallone #theascension

Saturday, April 8, 2017


Here is a very disturbing video about alcohol, but I feel we need to be so aware of this.  Who would think what the word even actually means?  In Arabic it's definition is "body eating spirits", that pretty much sums it up.  Evidently the soul can't handle the toxins put into the body, so it leaves the body (but is always attached to it with a cord), and that leaves the body as an open vessel for any dark spirit to enter!  And they do, for sure, and darkness appears, creating a reality of darkness they would not normally have.  

Wow, does that make so much sense to me.  When my daughters use to go to the bars and come home, they were not themselves, as if they were possessed with dark spirits.  I thought it was all off the negative energy around them, but it appears to be much deeper than this!  

So, first off, quit!  And watch this video, because it is deeper than that.  Why is alcohol legal when it kills people?  Kills their liver, their immune system, etc., and kills many!  It is not only legal, but pushed down peoples throat through the media.   Great, another sign of our government trying to kill everyone off!!  I hope you all see this now, through everything, vaccines, GMO chemicals in the food we ingest, sugar in almost every item of food that most Americans seem to be addicted to, chemtrails, toxins in the water we drink, creating bio military weapons, etc.  
And weed has been illegal, and helps so many with so many issues, nausea through chemo, pain, etc.!! 

Yes, it is time to wake up!  Watch the video if you have time, I just wanted to get it out there!
Love and Blessings always to all, keep the faith, as