Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Ascension in Full Force Now!!

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The Ascension is full force now!  Do you feel the energy?  I certainly do, as I laid on the beach yesterday, in the sand, my world started spinning!  Yes, that is the energy going on, spinning, feeling high.  Waking up feeling buzzed, happy, high, a great feeling knowing it has come naturally.  A great feeling after shedding old karma last week and crying for two days straight! 

Many of us are light workers, here to hold the light for all, here to bring that light into Mother Gaia to heal her as well.  When I hit the beach, sit on the rocks, gaze into the sun, I focus on that light, that light coming into Mother Gaia so strongly.  I focus my attention on sending this light into Mother Gaia, to help heal her and it's people, us.  It is important to ground this light into the Earth, as we are the one's holding this energy for many here at this time.  We are the portal of that light, each and every one of us! 

We are already in the new reality, and many do not realize this yet.  Look inside your heart, feel the difference there, the unconditional love you have for yourself and others.

The light has won, time to rebuild your reality, and create the life you want.  Some may continue in the drama, and it maybe time to let them go.  You will be so busy creating the loving life you want, you will not worry about them.  Time to laugh and giggle, knowing the light has one, and we truly are here to shine our light so bright! 

As the year ends, we are at a time of zero point, a time to rest, and go with the flow of the new, powerful energies coming in.  As you follow the synchronicities, your new path will evolve in front of you.  The challenges in 2017 are over, and many let go of karma from many lifetimes!!

With the coming new moon on the 18th, it is preparing us for the Universal flow of 2018, shifting our reality in many ways. 


EXPRESS, MANIFEST, more souls are awakening and can see their realities manifesting very quickly.

There is a huge gateway portal which directly connects INSPIRATION to MANIFESTATION! 

Be prepared to accept any change.  There will be many partnerships and connections made, all in the service of others. 

Less Judgement of Others
Total Unconditional Love

Time to hit the reset button into 2018.  Time to reinvent yourself guided by your soul's life purpose and mission here on earth. 

You are tapping into an unlimited Energy Source of Abundance!!

Friday, October 20, 2017

Ways to Help Keep Your Energy High!

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Science has proven energy is vibration, sound healing is healing through the vibration of sound.  Everything has a vibration, and we all vibrate at different rates.  Just look around you at the people and situations in your life, and you can see where your vibration lies.  When you raise your vibration, the lower energies around will surely leave, (and yes, I mean people), and other like minded souls will appear for you if you wish.
It’s important to be aware of the energies of others, and places and situations, to avoid the negative, lower ones.  It’s important to send loving thoughts to ourselves, as we see the power of words, and how they affect us.  It’s important to be aware of  your energy, and the energy you bring to others.  We all sense energy, I am sure you have walked into a room and you can tell the energy was low, or they were even talking about you!  I have always sensed this years ago, before I even understand the theory of “energy”.  Most of us have felt this on one level or another, we just weren’t aware of what it is.  Now that you know, be aware, and pay attention.
When our thoughts are loving, our energy and vibration is higher.  We resonate with others that have the same energy level, and are attracted to the same.  Maybe that is why they say, “misery loves company”!  And just the same, if your vibration is high, that is what you will attract, and the result is surrounding yourself with other loving, kind, and compassionate souls.
Be what you want to see in the world, be the love you want in return, be the love you want to see around, and that is what you will see.  Focus on love and gratitude, the love and gratitude you already have in your life, and build on that!  We all have the power to change, to change our thoughts, watch what we focus on, and then just like a miracle, that is what you will see in your reality!
We all need to find the love in our own hearts first, before we truly can give it out to others unconditionally.  That takes some deep soul searching, and many Psychologists call it, going through the “dark night of the soul”.  All that means is facing your shadows, your pain and suffering through you life that you haven’t faced and dealt with.  Since there are no more victims, and that energy is gone, we can heal our pain instantly, if choose.  Do not blame yourself or others, just see it and release it.  It is as easy as realizing what happened, accepting it, and letting it go, remembering we are here now, well, happy, in another place and time!  It is done, over, let it go!
When we let go of the past shadows, we allow more light into our body, as that was considered darkness!  So, that is another good reason to let it all go!  We are in an Ascension process, which really means the world is shifting to LOVE!  To the love we all have within our own hearts, for ourselves and others, knowing we are all one, all connected to Source.  There is not any room for darkness in this New Earth, as the energies are too high to hold it!  So, all the darkness within us must fade away, to transmute into light, to raise our energy and vibration, onto New Earth!
A Japanese author, Masuro Emoto, did a great deal of research on how the words we use affects water, and through the use of words, we can change the energy and vibration of all, changing the world to love and peace.  He froze water crystals, some with negative words, and some with positive words.  The water with the positive words sent to it, formed beautiful crystals, while the negative ones did not even create a crystal.  He proved our words matter, have energy, and since we are mostly water, words affect us and our being.   He concluded the highest vibration was one of love and gratitude!  As simple as praying these words over the liquid you drink, or taping the words or a picture of the crystal on your glass, changes the energy of the water, and as a result changes your energy and vibration to love and gratitude!
Mr. Emoto believed through focusing on love and gratitude, and our words and deeds, we have the power to change the world to peace, The New Earth, creating Heaven on Earth!
So, stay positive, in love, in compassion, in giving, in caring, in kindness, and give this all to yourself first!!

Monday, October 9, 2017

Stay Focused on Love & Gratitude

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Many have been experiences tragedies, and this is what I want to talk about, to remind everyone about the LIGHT, that is all around us, not the darkness you see.

We each experience a situation for a reason, a reason to take us back to love, to unconditional love.  This could be a wake up call for many, to experience these tragedies, and trying to figure out how to process them.  To turn to supporting one another, in love and peace, and joining together in love, is a beautiful way to help, and not focusing on the event daily, rehashing it, lowering your vibrations and everyone else's while doing so.  

It may also be a good time to reevaluate things, and go within and see what you find.  See where the pain lies and heal it with love.  Love yourself, forgive yourself, and find the peace within your own heart first.  Then you can find the peace outside.  When you find that love inside, your vibration is raising, along with everyone else's and you are helping Mother Gaia Ascend to her 5D experience.  

You have seen some who have been through tragedies, and have come out transformed, ready to conquer the world.  This is what can happen now to each of you experiencing the disasters that have been occurring here in the United States for some time.  A shift in energies, to a higher vibration, one that only exists in love.  One where the lower energies of fear and worry can not even go into!! How awesome is that, a world filled with love, the lower energies being let go of, but it comes from you. 

 Your reality can be totally different than mine, and all the pain we have inside from the past has to be released in order to Ascend, as like I said no lower energies exist there.  So it is truly important to go with, with all things you experience, and ask what are you to learn about yourself here?  What do you need to let go of that is not functioning as love?  All those triggers, those events that happen to you that make your hair stand up, that is where you start.  To look at yourself and ask why you reacted that way?  Then resolve it and let it go.  Don't allow yourself to cry for days upon days feeling sorry for yourself, that's the old energy.  The new energy is okay, got it, experienced it, it's done now, over, I let it go and I am in a new loving reality called 5D!  

The shock of these events have broken your energies from your current situation, and maybe have given you the opportunity to focus on all that you have in your life, like everyone around you that you love.  Love and gratitude are the highest energies, and we can transform the world by focusing on these!  

Due to the Ascension, these events have happened, know that, and allow them to change you to find your own inner peace, inner calm, self love.  So then, that is what you can project out into the world now.

The movement I see now is 


As simple and silly as it seems, I believe it to be true, as I have seen throughout my journey to self love many years ago.  We tend to focus on helping everyone else, pleasing everyone else, especially us women, and Moms!!  I see so many running around for everyone else, being stressed, drained from running, but what are they doing for themselves?  Why aren't they saying, hey, what one thing do I want to do today to make me happy?  To make me feel good and have fun??  

Do you realize if you loved your life, loved your JOB, (and yes it is possible if you believed) and found time to enjoy your free time doing things you love, you could change the entire world to love and peace?  And yes, this is so very true, because we are all one, all connected to that higher collective consciousness, what affects one, affects us all.

Yes, I understand you may feel this is a challenge, but start small, one thing, one day, that puts a smile on your face.  Be aware of your energy, be aware of how your feeling, and if it's frustration and anger, or pain, go inside and work on it.  Find out what it is and let it go, and yes, it can be as simple as this now.  No more crying for years, that energy is gone, the poor me, the blame, the victim.  The energy now is love, love and acceptance, love and gratitude, love and peace.  It is so easy to feel if you allow it into your heart.  If you allow yourself time alone, to think, dream, meditate, be one with yourself, and see what your soul and guides are guiding you to do.  

And be careful what you focus on!
Namaste, in Peace and Love!

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Explaining the Energies in September Through our Ascension

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September has been a crazy month with all the energies around, I see so many dealing with emotions, old stuff arising, only to face, accept, and let go of, which is happening so much during this ascension.  Remember we call that stuff our shadows, and if all this new light is coming in, there is no more room for the darkness, so it has to surface to be released, and let go of, offering freedom to a new life of unconditional love!!

The weather has been crazy, as this is Mother Gaia's way of releasing the negative, and waking others up.  We can send this weather love and light, release it and let it go, because remember, focusing on it will make it worse!  Remember we should be focusing on things that make us feel good, things that make us happy, not the negativity going on in the world.  Now is the time to remove the fearful energy patterns that are hurting you. Many of you chose to come now, to hold the light and higher energy for others!  Wow, pretty amazing, huh??  Imagine the power we have when we all focus on love.  This information is as new for me as it is you, only learning this myself a few years ago.  Called, the Clean up Crew, or The Lightworkers, Wayshowers, etc.

We are transforming like a butterfly!  Know that in turning to unconditional love, you can transmute the negative to positive.  Know the more you stay in love, love and gratitude, love and light, the more you are helping to aid in creating our New Earth, Heaven on Earth!  Know each one of this has that much power, because we are all connected, all one source.  We have that collective consciousness, and what affects only one, affects the entire whole!

Of course, as I always say, stay away from the media, the fear focused media to keep us away from our power!  Watch what you focus on, no more focusing on fear and worry, know everything will be okay in your heart, trusting in the power of the Universe to guide you, knowing we are here to follow our joy and be happy, living in love and bliss!! 

When your heart opens fully it transcends the separation mentality we keep inside.  When all those things we are holding onto resolve, we can come to unconditional love.  
We can create the reality we choose, by what we focus on and where our energy goes.  

What do you want to allow to occur in your reality?  What are you going to feed your energy to?  What are you going to allow to occur and support?  What you support will become your reality.

I lived in fear and worry, guilt and blame for so many years,  my energy finally shifted only a few years ago, through really searching for years and years, 15 years since I was divorced!  I hope all of you come to realize that love is all there is, much sooner than I did, and never give your power away to any Spiritual Leader, or teacher as I did too!  

Love and Blessings to all,
I hope we see Peace on Earth soon!  

I live in peace and love many days as I live alone, and am very careful of the people I see, but my children are going through something with me.  It seems as if their shadows are coming to the surface, and I am part of their pain, (that's a book in itself) I was divorced 15 years ago, my ex was very manipulating and abusive, and even fought for custody of my children and won, due to the corruption in Bergen County!  I still feel that pain in my heart, and now many emotions are arising for them, and they are blaming me for a lot, becoming negative towards me, annoyed instantly, and defensive. 
 I now know it is due to the energies coming in though our Ascension, and the fall Equinox on it's way, and trying to let go of it, and not become a victim once again.
So, I pray and focus on healing our relationship by sending them love and light, as much as I can, and especially morning and night!  I meditate and tell them how much I love them, each and every one of them, and how I am sorry, and please forgive me.  What else can I say when the past is done, and yes, I made mistakes, but don't we all?? Yes, that is why if we can come to see the unconditional love we all truly are, then you can forgive, and move on!

Be well, be love, be loved, and most of all STAY IN LOVE AND GRATITUDE!!

Monday, August 21, 2017

SOLAR ECLIPSE TODAY~ How You Can Create Peace on Earth!

What a beautiful, powerful day today.  It is so important to keep the faith, stay strong, courageous, have hope, and focus on love and peace today!!

You can see the chaos and confusion on the planet now.  When chaos reaches it's height, an incident happens and creates a dramatic event on everything, called the butterfly affect.   This chaos has become dangerous to the entire planet, the eclipse can be called the butterfly affect.  

This alignment is a spiritual energy field and creates an opening of dimensions, as they intensify energy.  Where you focus is where you will find an increase of your energy and light!  Know what you think has a greater increase to manifest due to this immense energy, and this has the affect on the entire planet!! An accelerated time in manifesting.  

Those who are seekers, those who are awakening, will experience this accelerated manifestation of thought, and what you think will manifest quickly.  So focus on your spiritual development and your ascension.  Focus on planetary healing for peace on earth, and connect with your Ascended Masters.

Some may experience this as chaos, but you light workers, you will experience this heightened ability and will have the tools to increase your manifestation abilities and spiritual goals.  Those who are spiritually minded will experience higher enlightened energy fields, and those who are dense will experience chaos. 

We all have the abilities to connect with our Higher Selves.  The Eclipse will allow us to decide if we want to accept this new energy field, and expand our consciousness.  When we are closer to Gaia, we can move through the chaos which precedes change, with our feet on the ground and our head connected with our own higher expression of self.

The United States is in need of a reset, and it is no coincidence the Eclipse will cross the US!!! Yay for us!! This Eclipse is a reset.  Some of us have too many things going on in our life, because chaos always precedes change, and we surely need it.  

We are not the most evolved species in the Universe!  We are truly all multi dimensional beings, and every one of us have higher dimensional selves.  Our true essence is multi dimensional, this Eclipse is a wake up call to awaken to these frequencies of your own  of your emotions, your interactions.  It is a reminder to think in a planetary manor.  

It is through this eclipse, THIS OPENING OF ENERGY FIELDS, you will be able to connect with your higher self, bring it in, stand tall with all the frequencies of yourself.  Ground yourself on beloved Gaia, and remember this is also a planetary transition, so move out of your personal issues, and realize you are the representative of planet Gaia, who is a living, breathing, being, and take this time to connect deeply with mother earth.  When you feel this higher energy field, those of you who are really grounded will be able to take in more of this higher frequency.  When you have a high frequency it is important to ground it, and those who do will be able to increase their energies, and manifest quickly.  Our thoughts and intentions are so very powerful.  Energy is information, light is information and available to you when you are fully grounded into the body of Gaia, and connected to the frequencies of your higher dimensional self.  

The Eclipse will affect the world on all levels.  The Eclipse gives us an opportunity to deepen our own personal relationship with Gaia.  Your connection to the earth will deepen during this time, your powers of planetary healing.  Think of the Eclipse as a shining accelerator of activation and power of an "I CAN" thought field.  Connect your thoughts for higher manifestation, pray for peace and love to all, pray for peace to our leaders, and call in the Ascended Masters for their help in healing our planet.  This will have a dramatic affect on this planet!  Gaia is totally open to accept your power of healing during this Eclipse.  This is a great opportunity to build unity consciousness to unconditional love!  The Eclipse is a conduit of light, and we have the opportunity today to help heal the earth!! 

Love and Light to all Today!  Watch your thoughts, shift to love! Namaste

Sunday, August 20, 2017


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Monday, August 21st, is a major day for collective prayers, due to the solar eclipse we will be experiencing!  It is so important for each one of us, to stop for even a few minutes, and pray.  Pray for peace, for love, for what you want to see in your world, your life, your reality.

There are is so much research proving how meditation is so powerful!  
A two month project in Washington DC showed violent crime, homicides, rapes, and assaults dropped and consistently dropped throughout the meditations.  

Global meditation does raise the earth's frequency, we are projecting love and peace to all.  We are tied to the consciousness of the planet, we are making an effort of healing the planet by focusing on sending love and peace to all. It is so important to be aware of this, each and every one of us, as we realize our thoughts affect others, and our prayers and intentions of peace and love do as well, so why not focus on LOVE?? 

The hundredth monkey affect, research was done with some monkey's from the Japanese island, Hashima. Researches saw monkey's learned how to wash potatoes and passed this skill onto younger generations.  When the hundredth monkey learned this task, it seemed to spread to other countries!! Wow, totally amazing if you ask me.  This shows how connected we all are, and the power we have to make a change, together!! 

Quantum physics explains particles that have affected each other, can no longer be separate from each other.    They are linked in an invisible consciousness and energy in the Quantum field!! What affects one, affects the other at the same time, even if they are not together!  Amazing, right!  

It is so important to be aware of this if we are awakening, ascending, a light worker, and creating peace on earth!  


So, for today, especially tomorrow, and each day forward, put your loving, kind, peaceful intentions out, take some time to pray and meditate, and be kind to every person you see and meet, ESPECIALLY YOUR FAMILY WHO PUT UP WITH YOU DAILY!  
Love, blessings, and light! Namaste!! 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

New Energy Shifts in this Ascension

Due to the Ascension, and the energies involved, much is happening to us now, as so much more light is flowing through us.  Another great shift of the Ascension process, that will fill us with more light, and shift our current realities! (I am so ready!)
The line of separation will grow stronger, and you will see the ones stuck in 3D more clearly, and move onto 5D reality.  More of people will begin their Ascension process, and embody more unity light energies.  Higher codes of DNA into our beings, and UNITY into a more peaceful existence.
We need all you lightworkers to keep the faith, and know what Mother Gaia is going through, and to help others along the way!
The second phase is now, this summer, June to September, the Lion's Gate again, 8/8/17, and an amazing energies on August 26th.
The energies take us to a higher place, always know that!  If you do not resonate with many others out there, do not feel alone, as that is totally how I feel!  
We are ahead of the game, the ones carrying others along in this shift.
Stay with the loving, caring, positive ones, as that negative, complaining energy just drains you, and they are the ones stealing your awesome, light energy!
We are moving toward the Aquarian age!  Give yourself credit for making it through the second phase.
Here is the video, which is more in detail, if your interested.