Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The Ascension in Full Force Now!!

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The Ascension is full force now!  Do you feel the energy?  I certainly do, as I laid on the beach yesterday, in the sand, my world started spinning!  Yes, that is the energy going on, spinning, feeling high.  Waking up feeling buzzed, happy, high, a great feeling knowing it has come naturally.  A great feeling after shedding old karma last week and crying for two days straight! 

Many of us are light workers, here to hold the light for all, here to bring that light into Mother Gaia to heal her as well.  When I hit the beach, sit on the rocks, gaze into the sun, I focus on that light, that light coming into Mother Gaia so strongly.  I focus my attention on sending this light into Mother Gaia, to help heal her and it's people, us.  It is important to ground this light into the Earth, as we are the one's holding this energy for many here at this time.  We are the portal of that light, each and every one of us! 

We are already in the new reality, and many do not realize this yet.  Look inside your heart, feel the difference there, the unconditional love you have for yourself and others.

The light has won, time to rebuild your reality, and create the life you want.  Some may continue in the drama, and it maybe time to let them go.  You will be so busy creating the loving life you want, you will not worry about them.  Time to laugh and giggle, knowing the light has one, and we truly are here to shine our light so bright! 

As the year ends, we are at a time of zero point, a time to rest, and go with the flow of the new, powerful energies coming in.  As you follow the synchronicities, your new path will evolve in front of you.  The challenges in 2017 are over, and many let go of karma from many lifetimes!!

With the coming new moon on the 18th, it is preparing us for the Universal flow of 2018, shifting our reality in many ways. 


EXPRESS, MANIFEST, more souls are awakening and can see their realities manifesting very quickly.

There is a huge gateway portal which directly connects INSPIRATION to MANIFESTATION! 

Be prepared to accept any change.  There will be many partnerships and connections made, all in the service of others. 

Less Judgement of Others
Total Unconditional Love

Time to hit the reset button into 2018.  Time to reinvent yourself guided by your soul's life purpose and mission here on earth. 

You are tapping into an unlimited Energy Source of Abundance!!

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