Monday, October 9, 2017

Stay Focused on Love & Gratitude

Image result for images of a loving heart

Many have been experiences tragedies, and this is what I want to talk about, to remind everyone about the LIGHT, that is all around us, not the darkness you see.

We each experience a situation for a reason, a reason to take us back to love, to unconditional love.  This could be a wake up call for many, to experience these tragedies, and trying to figure out how to process them.  To turn to supporting one another, in love and peace, and joining together in love, is a beautiful way to help, and not focusing on the event daily, rehashing it, lowering your vibrations and everyone else's while doing so.  

It may also be a good time to reevaluate things, and go within and see what you find.  See where the pain lies and heal it with love.  Love yourself, forgive yourself, and find the peace within your own heart first.  Then you can find the peace outside.  When you find that love inside, your vibration is raising, along with everyone else's and you are helping Mother Gaia Ascend to her 5D experience.  

You have seen some who have been through tragedies, and have come out transformed, ready to conquer the world.  This is what can happen now to each of you experiencing the disasters that have been occurring here in the United States for some time.  A shift in energies, to a higher vibration, one that only exists in love.  One where the lower energies of fear and worry can not even go into!! How awesome is that, a world filled with love, the lower energies being let go of, but it comes from you. 

 Your reality can be totally different than mine, and all the pain we have inside from the past has to be released in order to Ascend, as like I said no lower energies exist there.  So it is truly important to go with, with all things you experience, and ask what are you to learn about yourself here?  What do you need to let go of that is not functioning as love?  All those triggers, those events that happen to you that make your hair stand up, that is where you start.  To look at yourself and ask why you reacted that way?  Then resolve it and let it go.  Don't allow yourself to cry for days upon days feeling sorry for yourself, that's the old energy.  The new energy is okay, got it, experienced it, it's done now, over, I let it go and I am in a new loving reality called 5D!  

The shock of these events have broken your energies from your current situation, and maybe have given you the opportunity to focus on all that you have in your life, like everyone around you that you love.  Love and gratitude are the highest energies, and we can transform the world by focusing on these!  

Due to the Ascension, these events have happened, know that, and allow them to change you to find your own inner peace, inner calm, self love.  So then, that is what you can project out into the world now.

The movement I see now is 


As simple and silly as it seems, I believe it to be true, as I have seen throughout my journey to self love many years ago.  We tend to focus on helping everyone else, pleasing everyone else, especially us women, and Moms!!  I see so many running around for everyone else, being stressed, drained from running, but what are they doing for themselves?  Why aren't they saying, hey, what one thing do I want to do today to make me happy?  To make me feel good and have fun??  

Do you realize if you loved your life, loved your JOB, (and yes it is possible if you believed) and found time to enjoy your free time doing things you love, you could change the entire world to love and peace?  And yes, this is so very true, because we are all one, all connected to that higher collective consciousness, what affects one, affects us all.

Yes, I understand you may feel this is a challenge, but start small, one thing, one day, that puts a smile on your face.  Be aware of your energy, be aware of how your feeling, and if it's frustration and anger, or pain, go inside and work on it.  Find out what it is and let it go, and yes, it can be as simple as this now.  No more crying for years, that energy is gone, the poor me, the blame, the victim.  The energy now is love, love and acceptance, love and gratitude, love and peace.  It is so easy to feel if you allow it into your heart.  If you allow yourself time alone, to think, dream, meditate, be one with yourself, and see what your soul and guides are guiding you to do.  

And be careful what you focus on!
Namaste, in Peace and Love!

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