Sunday, February 26, 2017


Image result for images of god's light

The energy around is crazy, I feel it do you?
These cosmic activations are upgrading our DNA.  We are becoming lighter beings, crystalline beings, preparing for higher frequencies.  This process has become a critical mass of energy in February, preparing us for what is coming.  

We are closing in on some higher frequency activity, with the new moon comes cosmic waves of awakening as the veil is thining!  We are seeing through the illusions and truths are being exposed, with the high winds brings wrestles energy.  I feel that energy, where I have so much to do and don't know where to start!  Breathe into this energy, center yourselves and allow the activations to flow through you.  If emotions are triggered, guide these feelings with love, let go, and send them love.  If we need help and guidance, always remember to ask your guides, Angels, and Higher Self for help.  We are all being triggered by emotions, and they all need to come out in the end.  Allow the toxic thoughts, fear, etc., to be released without giving into the fear. Allow the toxic thoughts, fear, etc., to be released without giving into the fear.  Fear stops the love and compassion coming through our mind, body, soul system. 

We are all becoming our true self, our authentic self, and this activation flows all through Gaia.  Deceptions, deceit, and darkness are exposed, and we are seeing new truth.  As you can see the chaos around you, the darkness is leaving, and exposure is near, and the elite are crumbling around us now.  Avoid the negative media, as I say every time, because it is so very true!  I do, and I can stay in love and compassion to all, knowing this is the last of the darkness leaving, and we will have the Heaven on Earth we are looking for!  Always remember we are one, we are all from the same source, each trying to find their way home!

The time lines are shifted, know we are all connected, as we have traveled very lifetimes together! Open your minds to intergalactic intervention, community and guidance! Understand the multi verse is complex with interwoven dimensions of frequencies.  
Gaia continues to raise her frequency to the universal vibration of Love! 

As always get out in nature and ground!  We and Gaia will rise together, ground your energies into her in helping with her ascension.  

Draw all of your fear, worry anger towards your heart, release them with love.  Know the old is leaving to make space for the new.  The New Earth we are all creating!  
Always go in Love and Light, and share your love everywhere! 

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Wow, another major video, awesome, powerful info to make you feel better!Some of us have a Spiritual mission, as I have felt I have, since I have been young.  They need to be a Spiritual activist, helping to create the New Earth!  
They are Counselors, Healers, in any way guiding them to their Spiritual Awakening.  Not everyone with a spiritual mission is meant to be out there, some are “frequency holders”, more inwardly drawn.  They focus on sending light and love to others in their lives, or groups of people suffering in the planet, etc.  When I learned about energy and light any years ago, I always send my loved ones love and light each night before bed, and each morning as I arise!  It’s just beautiful to always remember the LOVE & the LIGHT! 
The “frequency holders” also spend much of their time to heal past wounds, and awaken spiritually.  (Great, is that what I have been doing for years?)  They focus on keeping as positive as they can in their lives, as they realize they are connected to humanity and everyone who lives in a high vibration, adds to others awakening!  Wow, isn’t that powerful?  I hope it gives you the faith to push ahead, as it does me.
The time is here, it is now, for us to express ourselves to the limit.  We are being pushed out of our comfort zones!  Even if you do not know what your mission is, it is time to do whatever you can, to bring more love and light into the world, each and every day!  
There is an enormous shift, as you know, changes where we can also manifest all we want. If we stay in the path of Love, we can do anything we want! 
It will also help you with the challenges you are currently facing as well. Wherever your heart is calling you to, follow, follow where you should serve, the time is now!  Here is the video: