Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Explaining the Energies in September Through our Ascension

Image result for images of butterflies

September has been a crazy month with all the energies around, I see so many dealing with emotions, old stuff arising, only to face, accept, and let go of, which is happening so much during this ascension.  Remember we call that stuff our shadows, and if all this new light is coming in, there is no more room for the darkness, so it has to surface to be released, and let go of, offering freedom to a new life of unconditional love!!

The weather has been crazy, as this is Mother Gaia's way of releasing the negative, and waking others up.  We can send this weather love and light, release it and let it go, because remember, focusing on it will make it worse!  Remember we should be focusing on things that make us feel good, things that make us happy, not the negativity going on in the world.  Now is the time to remove the fearful energy patterns that are hurting you. Many of you chose to come now, to hold the light and higher energy for others!  Wow, pretty amazing, huh??  Imagine the power we have when we all focus on love.  This information is as new for me as it is you, only learning this myself a few years ago.  Called, the Clean up Crew, or The Lightworkers, Wayshowers, etc.

We are transforming like a butterfly!  Know that in turning to unconditional love, you can transmute the negative to positive.  Know the more you stay in love, love and gratitude, love and light, the more you are helping to aid in creating our New Earth, Heaven on Earth!  Know each one of this has that much power, because we are all connected, all one source.  We have that collective consciousness, and what affects only one, affects the entire whole!

Of course, as I always say, stay away from the media, the fear focused media to keep us away from our power!  Watch what you focus on, no more focusing on fear and worry, know everything will be okay in your heart, trusting in the power of the Universe to guide you, knowing we are here to follow our joy and be happy, living in love and bliss!! 

When your heart opens fully it transcends the separation mentality we keep inside.  When all those things we are holding onto resolve, we can come to unconditional love.  
We can create the reality we choose, by what we focus on and where our energy goes.  

What do you want to allow to occur in your reality?  What are you going to feed your energy to?  What are you going to allow to occur and support?  What you support will become your reality.

I lived in fear and worry, guilt and blame for so many years,  my energy finally shifted only a few years ago, through really searching for years and years, 15 years since I was divorced!  I hope all of you come to realize that love is all there is, much sooner than I did, and never give your power away to any Spiritual Leader, or teacher as I did too!  

Love and Blessings to all,
I hope we see Peace on Earth soon!  

I live in peace and love many days as I live alone, and am very careful of the people I see, but my children are going through something with me.  It seems as if their shadows are coming to the surface, and I am part of their pain, (that's a book in itself) I was divorced 15 years ago, my ex was very manipulating and abusive, and even fought for custody of my children and won, due to the corruption in Bergen County!  I still feel that pain in my heart, and now many emotions are arising for them, and they are blaming me for a lot, becoming negative towards me, annoyed instantly, and defensive. 
 I now know it is due to the energies coming in though our Ascension, and the fall Equinox on it's way, and trying to let go of it, and not become a victim once again.
So, I pray and focus on healing our relationship by sending them love and light, as much as I can, and especially morning and night!  I meditate and tell them how much I love them, each and every one of them, and how I am sorry, and please forgive me.  What else can I say when the past is done, and yes, I made mistakes, but don't we all?? Yes, that is why if we can come to see the unconditional love we all truly are, then you can forgive, and move on!

Be well, be love, be loved, and most of all STAY IN LOVE AND GRATITUDE!!