Monday, August 21, 2017

SOLAR ECLIPSE TODAY~ How You Can Create Peace on Earth!

What a beautiful, powerful day today.  It is so important to keep the faith, stay strong, courageous, have hope, and focus on love and peace today!!

You can see the chaos and confusion on the planet now.  When chaos reaches it's height, an incident happens and creates a dramatic event on everything, called the butterfly affect.   This chaos has become dangerous to the entire planet, the eclipse can be called the butterfly affect.  

This alignment is a spiritual energy field and creates an opening of dimensions, as they intensify energy.  Where you focus is where you will find an increase of your energy and light!  Know what you think has a greater increase to manifest due to this immense energy, and this has the affect on the entire planet!! An accelerated time in manifesting.  

Those who are seekers, those who are awakening, will experience this accelerated manifestation of thought, and what you think will manifest quickly.  So focus on your spiritual development and your ascension.  Focus on planetary healing for peace on earth, and connect with your Ascended Masters.

Some may experience this as chaos, but you light workers, you will experience this heightened ability and will have the tools to increase your manifestation abilities and spiritual goals.  Those who are spiritually minded will experience higher enlightened energy fields, and those who are dense will experience chaos. 

We all have the abilities to connect with our Higher Selves.  The Eclipse will allow us to decide if we want to accept this new energy field, and expand our consciousness.  When we are closer to Gaia, we can move through the chaos which precedes change, with our feet on the ground and our head connected with our own higher expression of self.

The United States is in need of a reset, and it is no coincidence the Eclipse will cross the US!!! Yay for us!! This Eclipse is a reset.  Some of us have too many things going on in our life, because chaos always precedes change, and we surely need it.  

We are not the most evolved species in the Universe!  We are truly all multi dimensional beings, and every one of us have higher dimensional selves.  Our true essence is multi dimensional, this Eclipse is a wake up call to awaken to these frequencies of your own  of your emotions, your interactions.  It is a reminder to think in a planetary manor.  

It is through this eclipse, THIS OPENING OF ENERGY FIELDS, you will be able to connect with your higher self, bring it in, stand tall with all the frequencies of yourself.  Ground yourself on beloved Gaia, and remember this is also a planetary transition, so move out of your personal issues, and realize you are the representative of planet Gaia, who is a living, breathing, being, and take this time to connect deeply with mother earth.  When you feel this higher energy field, those of you who are really grounded will be able to take in more of this higher frequency.  When you have a high frequency it is important to ground it, and those who do will be able to increase their energies, and manifest quickly.  Our thoughts and intentions are so very powerful.  Energy is information, light is information and available to you when you are fully grounded into the body of Gaia, and connected to the frequencies of your higher dimensional self.  

The Eclipse will affect the world on all levels.  The Eclipse gives us an opportunity to deepen our own personal relationship with Gaia.  Your connection to the earth will deepen during this time, your powers of planetary healing.  Think of the Eclipse as a shining accelerator of activation and power of an "I CAN" thought field.  Connect your thoughts for higher manifestation, pray for peace and love to all, pray for peace to our leaders, and call in the Ascended Masters for their help in healing our planet.  This will have a dramatic affect on this planet!  Gaia is totally open to accept your power of healing during this Eclipse.  This is a great opportunity to build unity consciousness to unconditional love!  The Eclipse is a conduit of light, and we have the opportunity today to help heal the earth!! 

Love and Light to all Today!  Watch your thoughts, shift to love! Namaste

Sunday, August 20, 2017


Image result for images of groups of peace on earth

Monday, August 21st, is a major day for collective prayers, due to the solar eclipse we will be experiencing!  It is so important for each one of us, to stop for even a few minutes, and pray.  Pray for peace, for love, for what you want to see in your world, your life, your reality.

There are is so much research proving how meditation is so powerful!  
A two month project in Washington DC showed violent crime, homicides, rapes, and assaults dropped and consistently dropped throughout the meditations.  

Global meditation does raise the earth's frequency, we are projecting love and peace to all.  We are tied to the consciousness of the planet, we are making an effort of healing the planet by focusing on sending love and peace to all. It is so important to be aware of this, each and every one of us, as we realize our thoughts affect others, and our prayers and intentions of peace and love do as well, so why not focus on LOVE?? 

The hundredth monkey affect, research was done with some monkey's from the Japanese island, Hashima. Researches saw monkey's learned how to wash potatoes and passed this skill onto younger generations.  When the hundredth monkey learned this task, it seemed to spread to other countries!! Wow, totally amazing if you ask me.  This shows how connected we all are, and the power we have to make a change, together!! 

Quantum physics explains particles that have affected each other, can no longer be separate from each other.    They are linked in an invisible consciousness and energy in the Quantum field!! What affects one, affects the other at the same time, even if they are not together!  Amazing, right!  

It is so important to be aware of this if we are awakening, ascending, a light worker, and creating peace on earth!  


So, for today, especially tomorrow, and each day forward, put your loving, kind, peaceful intentions out, take some time to pray and meditate, and be kind to every person you see and meet, ESPECIALLY YOUR FAMILY WHO PUT UP WITH YOU DAILY!  
Love, blessings, and light! Namaste!!