Thursday, July 13, 2017

New Energy Shifts in this Ascension

Due to the Ascension, and the energies involved, much is happening to us now, as so much more light is flowing through us.  Another great shift of the Ascension process, that will fill us with more light, and shift our current realities! (I am so ready!)
The line of separation will grow stronger, and you will see the ones stuck in 3D more clearly, and move onto 5D reality.  More of people will begin their Ascension process, and embody more unity light energies.  Higher codes of DNA into our beings, and UNITY into a more peaceful existence.
We need all you lightworkers to keep the faith, and know what Mother Gaia is going through, and to help others along the way!
The second phase is now, this summer, June to September, the Lion's Gate again, 8/8/17, and an amazing energies on August 26th.
The energies take us to a higher place, always know that!  If you do not resonate with many others out there, do not feel alone, as that is totally how I feel!  
We are ahead of the game, the ones carrying others along in this shift.
Stay with the loving, caring, positive ones, as that negative, complaining energy just drains you, and they are the ones stealing your awesome, light energy!
We are moving toward the Aquarian age!  Give yourself credit for making it through the second phase.
Here is the video, which is more in detail, if your interested.