Monday, June 5, 2017

EnergyTheme for June!

Pay attention and stay present to what the Universe is sending us through signs, each and every day!  It is a time to nurture into full bloom!  Your Higher Self is always guiding you, and what is right will work out.  There needs to be no more suffering for growth.  
What is showing up?  Pay attention to the issues the Universe is sending you along with with new opportunities!  Take advantage.  

Do not take others words personally!  Accept what is, allow yourself to have, release, and change!  Yes, something I always have to remember to do.
Stay grounded, good boundaries, and courage is important.  Allow yourself to receive, to grow, to accept, to be loved!! 

Anchoring your reality, and reset the old patterns to new ones of love.  This is a time to separate yourself from the negative affects of your ancestors, that no longer support you.   Fear can be shifted to Love!  When your reality shifts, your relationship with family and friends shift as well, and you may want to be around others more like you.  It is important to honor your reality, the one you want to live in, one with all love, and oneness, not fear and anger towards others!!

If you have been ignoring your health issues, as I have, it is time to love and honor yourself, and ask the Universe for help to guide you in ways to heal your body, as it is so important. 
We must love and honor ourselves enough, to put our health issues first, to heal, so we can serve and spread our love more! 

June 1-8 is a good time to revisit your intentions, and reset if needed, as the information coming in will be very clear!  Accept and be flexible, and pay attention to the signs the Universe is sending you each day!  

June 9th, major full moon day.  It is time for a reality check!  What inspires you?? If you are not feeling inspired now, you are living someone else's reality, and we certainly do not want to do that!  I see it around me all the time, the families who are so co dependent, so much drama, can't even be alone, and do not even know who they are inside them!! Time alone in contemplation, without distractions, always calms our mind, and brings us home to our Higher Self.  A great day to be around someone you love!

June 16-23, GRATITUDE time!  Gratitude is an amazing frequency, and will reset from lack to abundance!  How easy, how simple, just remember!  It is a time for action, to new life, creativity, and knowing you can manifest all, and receive all the abundance you deserve!
Always remember to stay positive, because what you FOCUS on gets fed and GROWS! 
The themes are manifestation, abundance, and fertility.  Acknowledge the fertility you always carry to seed new adventures, and can manifest anything you desire! 

June 20th, summer solstice!  Work with the sun and it's life giving energy.  The sun is driving the change and accelerating evolution!  You can harness this power and use it for your own transformation.  Infuse the reality you want and align it with the sun.  Focus on expansion and gratitude.  Spend it with people you love, let nature be your temple.

June 23rd, new moon.  Revisit the intentions and take a reality check, and your reality.  Ask for healing if needed, have gratitude for the new reality.  How will you handle this new reality?  

June 24-30, Follow the signs, as they are all around, synchronicity is everywhere!!  Ask spirit for help and work with gratitude if you still feel suffering.  Ask for signs to keep you on your Higher path, misery loves company, but is no longer your reality!  Always ask yourself, what is my reality now?  As we create our own each day!