Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Grounding the New Energies In!!

The energies are coming in fast, and you may be feeling it physically in so many ways.  Always respect your body and do what it needs, rest, etc.  Each message I hear is always telling me what powerful beings we are!!  Filled with light, we are light beings, and lightworkers.  Due to all the energies coming into our planet, there is much we can do to accelerate the Ascension process, and help Mother Gaia with this energy!  
It is all about grounding, grounding the new earth energies! Mother Gaia has gone into another earth cycle, which happens every 27,000 years.  New pockets are opening in the Universal allowing powerful rays of energy coming into the earth bringing us new awareness, creating the Ascension process! This has been proven scientifically, and yes, that is why we are Ascending, waking up, becoming more aware, due to all this amazing energy!  All in our own time though, always good to keep in mind.  
We need to ground daily to help heal Mother Gaia, and ourselves.  Take care of yourself, your mind, and your thinking, and make sure to watch your thoughts carefully.  
We need to make sure our chakras are open, and kept open.  There are many ways to do this, just do some research, meditate, etc.  
Definitely do not feed into the fear and anger, please be more aware and conscious than that.  We can not be in a space of love, and fear at the same time, they are total opposites.  When we stay in love and compassion, we can not let fear in.  Just remember, the darkness feeds off of you staying in fear and worry, only to control you more!! Instead love yourself, love each other, and stop those negative thoughts of judgement in their tracks.  Treat others the way you want to be treated, create the world around you as you want see it.  
We can send healing to ourselves, from the cosmos, into the earth.  This amazing energy will help heal you, and Mother Gaia as well.  
Start by taking three deep breaths, imagine and feel a white light above your head, from the cosmos, shining into the top of your head, your crown chakra.  Then into your neck, out your arms and palms.  Feel the light move down your spine and fill up your entire being, down your legs and out your feet.   You are a being of light.  Feel the tree roots coming out of your feet going deep into the center core of the earth, and imagine the red earth energy run up from your feet, up your legs, into your torso, out your arms, up into your neck, and out the top of your head.  Know you are a channel bringing the Cosmos beautiful white light into your being, to heal yourself, Mother Gaia, and to share with other!
Soon what does not serve us will be behind us, let us separate ourselves from it with love and compassion.  We are officially in the time of Aquarius, there is nothing to fear, it is time for us to shine!!