Monday, July 25, 2016

Pay Attention to What You Focus On!

Image result for images of freedom
LET'S PAY ATTENTION TO WHAT WE FOCUS ON!! Now is the time, with the major ascension going on, to keep our thoughts loving and light, and to focus on creating Peace on Earth, something we all want!! And especially my soul family, and the awakening ones, need to focus now, and stay out of the negativity anywhere going on in the world, especially the US Elections. Why would we want to spend any of our precious energy on that? When we know who we are, what we are here for, and why we came? We are awesome, wonderful, powerful beings, choosing to come here at this time to contribute to the awakening of humanity!! We are creating heaven on earth, and if you don't see that, maybe you should change your focus! Please remember, when you spend ANY bit of your energy on the Politics in the USA, watching the garbage, talking about it one bit, you are FEEDING INTO THE NEGATIVITY, adding to it, and making it worse, lowering everyone's energy and vibration! I know my soul brothers and sisters already know this, as we all have been learning about manifesting, focusing on what we want, the power of attraction, support and love from the Angels, Aliens, etc., but sometimes we forget what path we are on, and how we are here to help, not hinder! We know the truth, we know we would not want either candidate representing us and our Country!! So, why would anyone want to waste their precious light on focusing on such darkness? We need to shift our focus on what we want, the type of world we want to live in, which is all about LOVE, and an open heart! Pure love, which is pouring into each of our hearts more and more each day! But, it would be hard to find that love when we are focused on such negativity, and stopping that energy from flowing in!! And remember, we do not need to ask the question of how this will happen, the Universe will take care of that! We just need to FOCUS ON WHAT WE WANT! And so it is!!
Things are already changing, if you research deeper, and you will see we are already on our way to a new financial system that is taking place, one being backed by gold. Wall Street crumbling, banks collapsing!! And look at Great Britain, taking that awakening act of freedom!! Opening the door for other countries to take a stand to freedom! That all occurred due to the ascension, allowing each of us to awaken to our truth inside! We are no longer prisoners of the past! A new government called NESARA, will be replacing the old, and we are creating Heaven on Earth, something we all have been waiting for and came here on this earth to experience! We are all to be praised, for having the courage to come here at this time, and experience this ascension process on earth!!
Do not worry, although you don't see it, disclosure is on it's way, beginning with the Rothschild's, the Clinton's, the Rockefeller's, and more!! Many will be shocked when they find the truth of who controls the world with their greed and corruption! The illumaniti will no longer run the world! FREEDOM AT LAST!! The last of the darkness is leaving, the energies going into 5D are too high! There will be no more debt slavery, no more control of our government, no more financial debt, no more wars, no more starvation in the world!
There is so much information for us out there now with the internet, you can watch hundreds of videos all about this, (which I do!), and your faith will be restored! We need to stay above it all! It's easy to do once you realize what you are focusing on. We are here to be happy and follow our joy, right? When we focus on what makes us feel good, not bad, we manifest our future to what we want, to what makes us happy! When we feel good we are in pure source, allowing that flow of love to come through, putting everything we want into place!! So, why not focus on what makes you feel good, anytime, all the time? And, I bet I know one thing that makes many people feel "bad"!!
Love and Blessings!! <3

Monday, July 18, 2016

Important Message about our New World, our New Financial System, etc.!!

Okay, here is some serious news, all about our new financial system, and the true reason why JF Kennedy was shot!!
On June 21 2016 china launched it's Gold backed Yaun.  China had already refused the US Dollar for world trade, MAKING ASSURED TO CLOSE THE FEDERAL RESERVE!! Now with the gold back Yaun it will replace London's gold fix.
On June 24th, Paul Ryan announced a tax reformed agenda that appeared to carry lines of the Nesara Law (for more information on that:, a law that is the basis of forming the new US Republic!!  Republicans unveiled means for a simpler and fairer tax code.  The plan reorganized the IRS to focus on serving tax payers, not the government.  Britain also withdrew from the Euro zone, plunging global markets into a free fall.
Greenspan and his Rockefeller and Busch sponsors, may have been concerned, but their friends the Rothschild's said they made 2.5 trillion dollars on one day, the Friday after, by shorting all the stock markets and going long on gold!
By June 26th, top CIA experts were publicly stating that a revolution was imminent in Europe and the United States.  
The bankrupt European Union had become more dictatorial than the Soviet Union, according to Russian President Vladimir Putin!!  The percentage of mandatory decisions made by the European Parliament, is larger than that of mandatory decisions made by the high counsel of the USSR, concerning it's member republics.
The bankruptcy of the EU, was triggered by the bankruptcy of , the largest bank of Europe, according to members of the Rothschild banking dynasty.  Bank was now under Chinese control, and if the Chinese did not step in to help this bank, it's collapse would have caused a domino affect, and taken  down the entire European and then Western Banking systems.  After the results of Britain's June 24th's vote was made public, Germany's Deutsche Bank with 65 Trillion in several other western banks, let go of 3,000 employees.
The market experienced a modest rebound on that same day, when the bank of England, along with all other central banks, promised to pump unlimited liquidity into the financial system.  Did they plan to save world markets with a global currency reset?
By Sunday June 26th, Greece, Germany, France, Italy, Ireland, and the Netherlands were considering in joining Britain to leave the Euro zone, stimulated after the British pound was announced of being gold backed. On June 26th, the Farmers group was allowed to exchange.  This is the group that long ago brought the successful lawsuit against the Supreme Court, that resulted in the Nesara Law, and creating the New US Republic.
One June 26th, Prime Minister Abadi raised the Iraqi flag, and announced liberation of the citizens from  ISIS, celebrations began!!  AGAIN THE EVENTS IN IRAQ WERE NOT REPORTED BY THE US MAINSTREAM MEDIA!!
The new digital, transparent, and gold backed global financial system was scheduled to begin functioning sometime during Monday, June 27th, but did not . happen.  By June 27th, Britain's bankruptcy and exit from the Euro zone spread throughout the Global financial system, and the lack of liquidity reached US Banks with gold men at three year lows, and Bank of America and City Bank plunging over 12%.  On June 27th, US Federal Reserve Chairmen, Alan Greenspan called for a return to the Gold Standard.
The Global Currency reset and Gold standard for Global currencies did start on July 4th.  The gold price flat lined, there was no world wide trading, the reset was to re calibrate the Global Monetary Value system.
Britain's vote to leave the EU increased investor demand for safe haven government bonds even when the yield was below zero.  By July 5th the Swiss Government Bond curve was below zero. Bonds yields were driven by inflation and growth, but there was no inflation and no growth.  The economy was built on confidence, and without confidence there was no economy.
Meetings were held on July 5th to create a new monetary system, held by the Rothchild's and others.  They were given a July 5th to come to an agreement for both humanity and nature and create a new system for our species and this planet.  Only July 5th, people including the Rothchild's, the Clinton's, the Rockefeller's, the Bush's,  were given a July 10th agreement to release the funds.
Only July 5th, the Bank of International Settlements gave their okay to go ahead with the global currency reset.  The International Monetary Fund, allowed the Federal Reserve to release their funds.  As of July 7th, repeated attempts to pay off the US National Dept using 800 trillion dollars, 27 trillion dollars, and 9.1 trillion dollars, of tax payers monies illegal held by the Federal Reserve, had been continually thwarted by the Kabbalah, and the global currency reset would have solved the problem, but was looked over 164 times!! Several hundred million had been confiscated by the Clinton foundation!! Most of these funds were in European Bank accounts awaiting the Global Currency Reset.
There was a documentary film that dissected history of the US Monetary System, and its relationship to the Kabbalah, CIA, and 911, which happened as an initial Global Currency Reset was to take place, presidents Johnson, Busch's, and the assassination of President Kennedy.  RIGHT BEFORE KENNEDY WAS SERVED, HE SIGNED DOCUMENTS WHICH WOULD HAVE CLOSED THE FEDERAL RESERVE!!! OMG!!
For some reason I can not get the video to download, but here is the link:

The title is New Republic, Global Currency Reset, Events of the Last 16 Days, June 26th to July 7th, created by Higher Self.  All of these videos amaze me! God Bless you all!! Stay focused on the New World we are creating right here, right now, HEAVEN ON EARTH, in this amazing time of Ascension!!